Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Sicilian Generalitat - To understand the judgment of the 'procés' one must read Leonardo Sciascia and Andrea Camilleri

Xavier Vidal-Folch

12 MAR 2019 - 20:44 CET

We heard about the 3% case, the Palau de la Música case, the Tourism case, the Caric case, the Pallerols case, the ITV case, the family cases.

Of all that pujolist and pospujolist corruption we knew a whole encyclopedia. Catalan, of course. But until this oral hearing we never suspected to what extent the Generalitat was the real institutional heir of our Sicilian ex-colony.

To understand this trial one must read Leonardo Sciascia and Andrea Camilleri, their seas of wine, joy and blood, their fields of potters, families and revenge. Almost everything is here, except for sex.

This is, in effect, a story where the secret (bills and invoices) are caked with silence (about the last person ordering everything needed for the voting), and the fear of challenging them: the omertà.

The pressure is on the weak (that needy provider, about to be ruined); the threat so that he does not fail (the unusual transfer of material in the street, "next to a bar"); or say (with whom he spoke, who ordered); social coercion (we are members of the same associations); and the overshoot (it is the cause, you understand me), just for him to go along.

And the urge is combined (for right now!) with distraction (intermediaries who ignore everything), and coercion (if you talk, we will not hire you anymore).

And there is no lack, in short, of the mysterious aura surrounding the pseudonym of Deus ex machina in the operation of the referendum stationery: Toni. Toni is probably Toni Molons, former secretary of Dissemination (propaganda) of the Govern, ceased when the 155 and current communication idem (propaganda). He is prosecuted for seven alleged crimes in the 13th Court of Barcelona.

His name has already surfaced twice: this Tuesday, and in the session of the 6th, also dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of ballots, envelopes, letters, in addition to advertising inserts and computer plans.

The scheme of the suppliers is sequential: there is a commission (for an unidentifiable account of the Generalitat, of Òmnium, or vaporous, or of Xavier Vendrell: sometimes, like this Tuesday, the witnesses contradict each other); a price is agreed (proforma is pre-invoiced or invoiced, or nothing); it is usually alluded to the fact that others, sometimes indeterminate, will pay.

But nobody pays, apparently; invoices are forgiven, or canceled by "negative" invoices; and thus the companies damaged/benefitted are still with their heads hang to basin of the homologation to continue going to public competitions of the house of Sicily.

All that tells about an administrative quagmire. And a colossal shame, in political, journalistic and of social reality terms. Or in Camilleri’s own terms.

But judicially the cosa nostra is another thing. To the clue, to the powerful inference, to the intense suspicion, to the exact but partial portrait, to the contradictory testimony, indubitable, personalized and substantive evidence that the crime of embezzlement has been committed need to be added.

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