Executive Committee  (5 to 6 persons reflecting different views defines goals for any given period). 

Responsibilities include: 
- Editorial line for the period,
- Acceptance of proposals for publication (sent by contributors)
- Campaign supervision by third parties
- Contacting content contributors and international influencers 

Frequency: monthly

General Assembly(Broader Membership) 

Responsibilities include:
-      Oversight of Executive committee activities
-      Assurance of compliance with terms of this mission statement
-      Approval of any proposal for changes in the mission statement . 

Frequency: quarterly

Two website administrators are responsible for its maintenance and management.

Campaigns are normally carried out by professionals, requiring coordination with website administrators. 

A team of volunteer translators, mainly in English, prepares the communiqués or articles, originally written in Spanish and Catalan.

Funding required for communication events is provided directly by donors to professional entities in charge of campaigns and any on-going activities requiring such funding (based on clearly defined proposals and always requiring accountability).  

The association has been formally registered.

ProU works with volunteer contributors in several European locations, with established collaboration nodes in Barcelona, Brussels, Germany and the U.K. 

Additional volunteer nodes are being set up in other cities. 

Volunteers from outside Catalonia work mainly in establishing key contacts for disseminating information and opinions (with national and international press, diplomatic bodies, and social "influencers)

Volunteers in Catalonia mainly focus on establishing content-related contributor networks  (journalists, authors, academics) and on fund-raising campaigns, to be executed by third parties and contracted directly by fund providers. 


Trials of Catalan activists - the what the why and how great academic centers are unwittingly contributing to undermining a European democracy

Twelve former Catalan politicians and activists are currently facing trial before the Spanish Supreme Court for charges ranging from m...

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