Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Societat Civil Catalana (SCC) comes together to avoid the partisan struggle of 28-A - In an internal document, SCC defends a new stage in Catalonia with less emotional tension

Iñaki Ellakuría, Barcelona

03/13/2019 06:30 Updated to 3/13/2013 12:08 AM

Societat Civil Catalana (SCC), due to its transversal composition, has suffered a lot in recent months with the climate of electoral confrontation between the PSOE, PP and Ciudadanos, based on the vote of no confidence of Pedro Sánchez against Mariano Rajoy, which began to break the constitutionalist unity in Catalonia. To the point that this entity founded in 2014 skirted the disappearance at the end of December, when a clash in its leadership forced the return of Josep Ramon Bosch to the presidency. Overcoming those days of civil war, which have left deep wounds and echoes of distrust, the leadership of SCC has come together to shield itself against the partisan battle of 28-A and find a meeting point between the different sensibilities that nest in the main constitutionalist entity of Catalonia.

The "Strategic Plan 2019", a document of seventeen points to which La Vanguardia has had access, starts from this will. The navigation book of the association to promote a "strong and plural Catalonia within a united Spain" that will overcome by elevation the independence procés. "We are the builders of a new civic conscience in Catalonia (...) that will end up facilitating new political majorities that are at the service of concord among Catalans", they point out. A few words that point to a renewal of its message to adapt it to the new social and political reality, after confirming "the collapse of the independence tsunami, intensely encouraged from power since 2012".

SCC seeks to achieve a delicate balance between what is a frontal opposition to independence and the denunciation of Catalan nationalism, which are the coordinates of where the association comes from, in addition to being the discourse that most mobilizes its supporters, with a more purposeful message directed "to the other Catalonia".

The road map is a look to the future but also to the past, as they claim to leave aside as in the origins of SCC the ideological differences, proper in an entity formed by people related to the PSC, PP and Cs, to "focus" on few objectives but very clear. Among these are the need to "recover the spirit" of October 8, 2017, the date of the massive demonstration of constitutionalism in Barcelona. They admit, without ambiguity and from the self-criticism, the internal confrontations that almost made them shipwreck before Christmas.

Language, pluralism and school

"The application of article 155 was possible because of the constitutionalist unity. However, throughout these last months this union has been deteriorating, to a de facto and sometimes sour break", they say.

In order not to repeat past errors, they warn that after the multiple confrontation that is coming it "would be good" that once the electoral cycle is left behind, irrespective of who sits in the Moncloa, "constitutionalist tuning would take place again, in line with the spirit of the October 8th". In this sense, they point out the mayoral elections of May as "a historic opportunity for new alliances for coexistence and unity in many cities of Catalonia".

One of the sections of its report is committed to "guarantee pluralism, recover coexistence." Among its commitments, to be "belligerent when it comes to denouncing any abuse of individual rights and liberties"; to demand the "neutrality of public spaces", to encourage the discourse of an "ideologically and politically inclusive Catalonia".

"With our tone, without renouncing any of our demands and requisites, we must contribute to reducing the exasperation and emotional tension that has dominated Catalan society and has often prevented political rationality from opening up over emotional impulsiveness", the SCC posits.

Despite the differences that PP, Cs and the PSC have had over the issue of language and school, two battlefields of the independence movement for decades, SCC aims to adopt its own and clear position. Thus, it will defend the "pluralistic conception of Spain" and, under this premise, will defend "the two languages ​​of Catalonia as a wealth of our own land". They are also in favor of a "free and plural school" in which Spanish and Catalan "must be vehicular languages".

Among the actions to fight against the dialectic that confronts "Catalan and Spanish", presenting them as antagonistic, the Dialogues for coexistence forum and the Spain 2030 forum stand out, a space for personalities of different ideological origins to debate territorial organization, pensions, infrastructures..." The Observatori Econòmic de Catalunya will also issue a series of reports on the progress of the Catalan economy.

The document also includes a series of petitions addressed to the political Madrid, such as the recovery of the presence of the State in Catalonia and that Barcelona, ​​from a perspective of co-capital city, should be the seat of important state organs and institutions.

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