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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Hostages of unilateralism by Anton Costas

Antón Costas - Professor of Economic Policy (UB)

A budget that knows how to use the recovery of the economy to restore social welfare should be the priority objective of progressive political forces
Will the independence parties support the Budgets of the Government of Pedro Sánchez? I do not know. I'm not a fortune teller. Neither the actors themselves know what they will eventually do. But if the question were: Should they do it ?, my answer is that it would be appropriate, after negotiating its content. For three reasons. Two are related to the welfare of the Catalans and the Government of the Generalitat. And a third, with the independence movement itself.

Budgets should restore social welfare

The well-being of citizens, especially those most in need, depends crucially on public expenditures. Health, education, pensions, unemployment benefits, social services, aid for dependency, all these items influence the living conditions and opportunities of people. In the social welfare. After an economic crisis that has caused many hundreds of thousands of people to be left in the ditch of unemployment and income poverty, and that austerity policies have deteriorated those public services, new budgets that know how to use the recovery of Economics to restore social welfare should be a priority objective of progressive political forces. To condition the support for the budgets for the unilateralist strategy is to turn the welfare of the Catalans into a hostage of unilateralism. This is an ethically questionable strategy. And, in my opinion, of uncertain political results for its defenders.

The second hostage of unilateralism is the Government of the Generalitat. And, beyond that, the dignity of Catalan politics. Quim Torra has not assumed the role of president, with the restrictions of conduct that this imposes. That's why he acts like a loose verse of politics. It does not behave as responsible for an institution that represents the general interests of society. Hence, among other effects, in the business world is emerging a suspicion to invite him, possibly because he has not assumed his new role.

Dangerous internal civic fracture

By the way, I just read a book that I found very inspiring: 'Administrar Assenyadament. Rule of Sant Bonet i saviesa biblical. A diàleg a tres veus'. It is a conversation between the prior of the Abbey of Montserrat, Father Ignasi M. Fossas, the monk of the same community, Manel Gasch, and the business management expert Cristina Bombelli. The whole book is very interesting, but the chapter dedicated to the theme of "The role and the person" is very suggestive to see how the Benedictine rule can illuminate issues as current as this one. The independentists live in a situation of schizophrenia. Having two different people for the same role (a president of the Generalitat and a "legitimate" president) I'm afraid it's not good for your health. In any case, it turns the work of government into a hostage of that schizophrenia. The result is the loss of the dignity of the Generalitat's policy.

The third hostage of unilateralism are the pro-independence independents in good faith. Although on this issue are the stakeholders who are in a better position to assess it. But my perception is that many people who are "lifelong" separatists are uncomfortable with unilateralism, when they are not contrary. Some, like ERC and Omnium, have renounced it. And that tension is also evident in the PDECat. And even in Junts per Catalunya. They have to redefine their strategy.

Unilateralism acted opportunistically, illegally and illegitimately in the approval of the September "disconnection" laws and in the October declaration of independence. It did not respect the rules of the Statute for which they were elected, which requires a two-thirds majority to approve decisions of that type. That provoked an extreme political polarization and a dangerous internal civic fracture.

Although I think that the situation of preventive detention is unjust, we must remember that what is judged in the courts is unilateralism, not independence. Independence as a political aspiration is legitimate and legal, as stated in the Constitutional Court. As, by the way, it is its opposite, those who defend recentralization. But if they respect the rules of the game, both have their place in democracy. The renunciation of unilateralism will end the situation of hostages in which today are the well-being of the Catalans, the governability of the Generalitat and the independence movement itself. And it will be the signal that many companies expect to reverse the decision to leave venues.



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