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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The PDECat takes the heat out of the foundation of the National Crida and considers it an association

Iñaki Pardo Torregrosa

Bonvehí warns that if the scenario changes they would treat Puigdemont's "equal to equal" party but show their willingness to add and form coalitions

The PDECat takes the heat out of the foundation of the National Crida and considers it an association

The president of the PDECat, David Bonvehí, attended on Saturday the closing of the delivery of the National Crida by the Republic and this Monday in a press conference has pointed out that for now consider the new party promoted by Carles Puigdemont, Quim Torra and Jordi Sànchez as An association. In this way, the post-convergent militants who join the movement of the expresident will not be incurring in an assumption inadmissible by the PDECat statutes, the double militancy, as already pointed out by La Vanguardia.

This movement avoids the collision between the two brands and will maintain peace between the two formations at least until May's municipal elections, an appointment that the PDECat considers key and in which post-convergence training hopes to maintain its local governments and the command of the four deputations, with the uniqueness of Barcelona, ​​where the candidate of the primaries -Neus Munté- will not lead his list.

The PDECat allows the double militancy of its militants by not considering the National Crida  a party

Thus, the fact that there are elected representatives of the PDECat and even of the executive, as is the case of Montse Morante, in the direction of the National Commission for the Republic "to date" will not produce a shock for now although the movement presided over by Sanchez has registered an electoral mark in the Ministry of the Interior.

 "It was very clear that it is an association" and "they are articulated as an association", Bonvehí assured.
Regarding future incompatibilities, he pointed out that "they will be resolved internally if the Crida becomes a match". However, Bonvehí has ​​warned that if the scenario changed they would relate to the Crida from "peer to peer" and that they would treat it like any other party, although, it has shown its willingness to "add" with the new party and has aimed that "they are not afraid" to agree with other political actors through coalitions as they have already shown their formation in the past, using as an example Junts pel Sí or the historical federation Convergència i Unió.

"It is obvious that if the Crida becomes a party our relationship will not be the same as now that it is a movement. The double militancy should be approved through the associates of our party, "he said.

In spite of the insistence of the journalists, Bonvehí has ​​obviated to consider the National Crida as party and has vindicated the figure of ex-president, to whom the most moderate sectors of the party observe with distrust.

"I am the president of a party that has Carles Puigdemont as a militant. He has always sought the unity of the independence movement and at this moment I think he is still looking for it. I am personally reproached that Puigdemont does not identify enough with the party. I fight saying that, like other figures in the history of Catalonia, is above the parties and his figure has another dimension and is a figure that has transcended my party and is a country figure. From my political leadership, we will never give up on his figure, "Bonvehí has ​​condemned the questions of a journalist who questioned him about vetoes of the expresident over post-convergent leaders and the pulse with the Crida.

Puigdemont is above the games and his figure has another dimension and is a figure that has transcended my party and is a country figure "

On the consultation that was announced to the militancy to resolve the fit with the Crida, Bonvehí has ​​admitted the possibility of being delayed until after the trial of 1-O by the trials that concerns members of the delegated commission for that matter, PDECat ex-conunsilors imprisoned. Therefore, it has not set a date for the proposal of the address to the associates to be known.

The president of the PDECat has assured that his party has a vocation to follow. This week there will be a meeting of the National Council, which will also address the relationship with the Crida, which uncovers positions found in the post-conflict tables. "We are proud of our 40-year political legacy - in reference to Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya - and we want to continue existing. We do not want splits or belittle the game. We want to continue being great, but in any case the majorities of partners will be in charge at all times, "said the president of the party inheritor of CDC, which has promised to continue" doing politics at all levels. "

Bonvehí joins pressure on ERC for the unitary list

Face to Europeans, he has indicated that there is no formal agreement with the PNV or the Galician nationalists, but will be its preferred partners and has advocated that all nationalists concurred together, although this is not expected. When asked about a coalition with the Crida, the president of the formation has disrupted this scenario by ensuring that for this the Crida "should be a party" and has clarified that now it is not. "I do not think we'll end up competing," he pointed out.

Sources of the leadership of the party pointed to this media that if the Crida insisted on a coalition ahead of the May elections to the European Parliament, could end up renouncing the candidacy with the jeltzales, who rule out going to the polls with Puigdemont as an ally
Bonvehí has ​​also joined pressures for the independentist movement in Barcelona joined together at the polls -something that ERC rejects- and has indicated that they would find solutions to solve the different city projects, such as the tram. After that he has asked for a "strategic unit" if there is no unitary candidacy. "If it the electoral unit is not achieved, which we will ask until the last moment, we ask for a strategic unity of the independentist movement," he concluded on that.



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