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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The protagonists of the trial of the ‘procés’ - Who is who

The Spanish Supreme Court and the Higher Court of Justice of Catalonia have in their hands the trial of the Catalan independence challenge culminating in the illegal referendum of October 1, 2017 and the subsequent declaration of independence. These are the protagonists, several of them escaped from Spain, their procedural situation, as well as the request for punishment from the Office of the Prosecutor and the State Attorney.

Escaped from Spain
Carles Puigdemont

Former president of the Catalan Government
Amer (Girona), 1962
Trained as journalist, member of the regional Parliament since 2006 and mayor of Gerona until he substituted in 2016 Artur Mas after his veto by the CUP. He has given his political career to the promotion of the independence of Catalonia. 

Judicial situation: 
The Catalan ex-president remains on the run since October 29, 2017. Judge Llarena chose to withdraw the international arrest warrant issued against him after the decision of the German justice to deliver him only for the crime of embezzlement, not rebellion and sedition 

Accused, in jail
Oriol Junqueras

Former Vice-president of the Government and former minister of Economy and Finance
Barcelona, 1969
The former vice-president of the Government and leader of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) is one of the central figures of the procés. He was mayor of Sant Vicenç dels Horts (2011-2015) and member of the regional Parliament since 2012. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Rebellion and embezzlement. Judge Llarena's decree accuses him of having participated in a police coordination meeting on September 28, 2017, together with Carles Puigdemont and Joaquim Forn, in which the Mossos evaluated a serious risk of "violent incidents". The judge affirms that, in spite of everything, he preferred to call the population to participate, as well as "to promote the design of a regional police operation engaged in the mobilizations that favored the illegal voting so that they could successfully face the police force of the State. 

Punishments requested: The Office of the Prosecutor requests 25 years in prison; State Attorney, 12 years 

Accused, in jail
Jordi Turull

Former spokesman of the Government and former minister to the Presidency
Parets del Vallès (Barcelona), 1966
University degree in Law and higher-up officer since 1987, he was one of the most active figures in the defense of the referendum. He has been member of the regional Parliament of Catalonia since 2006. Between July 14 and October 28, 2017, he served as minister to the Presidency of Catalonia and spokesman for the Government. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Rebellion and embezzlement. The judge attributes to him to have impelled the mobilization in favor of the referendum and to have managed and designed its advertising campaign. He imputes him for the coordination of computer infrastructures to disseminate the referendum as well as the "recruitment of thousands of volunteers" who assumed the setting-up of the tables for the voting or the preparation of the register of Catalans abroad. 

Punishments requested: The Prosecutor's Office requests 16 years in prison; State Attorney, 11 years. 

Accused, in jail
Raül Romeva

Former minister of Foreign Affairs and Institutional Relations
Madrid, 1971
Member of European Parliament in the list of Iniciativa per Catalunya for 10 years, in the elections to the Parliament of 2015 he headed the list of Junts pel Sí, the coalition of PDeCAT and ERC with which the pro-independence parties sought to raze in the polls and only got 62 members out of 135. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Rebellion and embezzlement. Llarena accuses him of having promoted the creation of "the structures of the State" and of trying to favor the recognition of the Catalan republic abroad through Diplocat. He was in charge of the arrival of different international observers whose function was trying to give legitimacy to the referendum. 

Punishments requested: The Prosecutor's Office requests 16 years in prison; State Attorney, 11 years. 

Accused, in jail
Joaquim Forn

Former minister of Domestic Affairs
Barcelona, 1964
Bachelor of Law, his political career has been developed in the city of Barcelona, where he has been CiU councilor since 1999. Minister of Domestic Affairs of the Generalitat between July 14 and October 28, 2017, he was responsible for the implementation of the rulings of the Prosecutor's Office and the central government on the eve of the illegal referendum. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Rebellion and embezzlement. In his decree, the judge accuses him of the same implications as Oriol Junqueras and, despite being aware of the seriousness of the events that took place in front of the Department of Economy, decided to continue promoting the illegal referendum by designing "a regional police operation engaged with the mobilizations that favored the illegal voting so that they could successfully face the state police force." 

Punishments requested: The Office of the Prosecutor requests 16 years in prison; the State Attorney, 11 years. 

Escaped from Spain
Clara Ponsatí

Former minister of Education
Sant Cugat, Barcelona, 1957
PhD in Economics from the University of Minnesota, expert in game theory and negotiations and activist of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC). As Minister of Education of the Generalitat, the responsibility for opening the polling stations during the referendum on October, 1 rested on her. She is currently in Scotland, where she teaches at the University of Saint Andrews. 

Judicial situation: 
The former minister remains escaped since the end of October 2017. The judge of the National High Court Carmen Lamela issued an international arrest warrant against her for remaining in Brussels and for not complying with the summons to declare as accused for rebellion and embezzlement. Subsequently, Ponsatí moved to the United Kingdom, where a Scottish court issued her unconditional release last July after the Spanish Justice withdrew the European Arrest Warrant against her and the rest of the escaped. 

Accused, on bail
Santi Vila

Former minister of Business and Knowledge
Granollers, 1973
He started as a member of ERC but he moved to CDC, for which he was member of the regional Parliament since 2006, and mayor of Figueras between 2007 and 2012. He left municipal life to be minister with Artur Mas and retained his position in the Government of Puigdemont, as a minister first of Culture and then of Business, until his resignation on October 26. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Embezzlement of public funds and disobedience. 

Punishments requested: The Prosecutor's Office requests 7 years in prison, the same as the State Attorney. 

Accused, on bail
Meritxel Borràs

Former minister of Governance
Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1964
She is a veteran member of the regional Parliament for CDC (she entered the Autonomous Chamber in 1995), daughter of one of the party's founders, Jacint Borràs. She was Minister of Governance of the Generalitat with Puigdemont. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Embezzlement of public funds and disobedience. The judicial decree states that she ignored the injunctions from the Constitutional Court when approved the Decree 139/2017 calling for the referendum. She also authorized the different departments all the actions and hiring necessary for the referendum, including the provision of public funds for a purpose quite different from the legally predetermined. 

Punishments requested: The Prosecutor's Office requests 7 years in prison, the same as the State Attorney. 

Escaped from Spain
Antoni Comín

Former minister of Health
Barcelona, 1971
The first Catalan minister who occupied the Health portfolio without medical training went through different political parties before embracing the independence movement. In 2014 he left the PSC to approach ERC, whose president, Oriol Junqueras, offered him the position with the mandate to revoke the privatizations undertaken by the governments of Convergència. 

Judicial situation: 
The former minister remains escaped since the end of October 2017. Judge Lamela issued an international arrest warrant against him for remaining in Brussels (Belgium) and ignoring the summons to declare as accused for rebellion, sedition and embezzlement after the complaint of the State Prosecutor's Office. Judge Llarena, who accused him of the crimes of rebellion and embezzlement, withdrew the European arrest warrant issued against him. 

Accused, in jail
Dolors Bassa

Former minister of Labour and Social Affairs
Torroella de Montgrí, 1959
Before joining the Junts pel Sí list in the elections of 2015, Bassa combined positions in UGT Gerona with a seat in the council in the capital. With a markedly pro-independence profile, she was in charge of taking forward the Guaranteed Citizenship Income and the reform of the Employment Service of Catalonia. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Rebellion and embezzlement. On September 29, 2017, according to the judicial decree, she assumed control of all the premises dependent on their respective ministries to guarantee their availability for the referendum and ensure its success. Like former minister Toni Comín, she allowed "the use of their departments to partially support the expense of printing the ballots for voting as well as to prepare the electoral census or make the summonses to the constituents of the polling stations." 

Punishments requested: The Prosecutor's Office requests 7 years in prison, the same as the State Attorney. 

Escaped from Spain
Lluís Puig i Gordi

Former minister of Culture
Terrassa, 1959
He was one of the last additions to the extinct Government of Puigdemont, with whom he had worked as Councilor for Culture when he was mayor of Gerona. With very low political profile, his professional activity has been linked for decades to cultural promotion. He has the National Dance Prize of 1984 and is the author of several books on Catalan culture. 

Judicial situation: 
The former minister remains escaped since the end of October 2017. The judge of the National High Court Carmen Lamela issued an international arrest warrant against him for staying in Brussels and ignoring the summons to declare as charged for rebellion, sedition and embezzlement. Judge Llarena, who accused him of the crimes of disobedience and embezzlement, withdrew the European arrest warrant issued against him. 

Accused, in jail
Josep Rull

Former minister for Territory and Sustainability
Terrassa, 1969
Member of regional Catalan Parliament for 20 years, he is one of the most veteran figures of the defunct Democratic Convergence and a referent of the generational renovation of the nationalist party, in which he has held different organic positions. He acceded to the Ministry when Puigdemont formed a government in January 2016. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Rebellion and embezzlement. The judicial decree claims that his contribution to the procés has been "significant" since on March 30, 2015, signed the agreement for independence with sovereign entities on behalf of Convergència and has been "participant in multiple meetings defining the strategy of independence". The judge accuses him of having prevented a ferry with police from docking in the Port of Palamós, seeking to hold the referendum. 

Punishments requested: The Office of the Prosecutor requests 16 years in prison; the State Attorney, 11 years.. 

Accused, on bail
Carles Mundó

Former minister of Justice
Vic, 1976
Lawyer linked to ERC, he joined as minister in 2016, after occupying institutional positions in the areas of Education, Culture and Media of the Generalitat and serving as councilor in Gurb (Barcelona) between 1999 and 2015. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Embezzlement of public funds and disobedience. 

Punishments requested: The Office of the Prosecutor requests 7 years in prison; the same as the State Attorney. 

Escaped from Spain
Meritxell Serret

Former minister of Agriculture, Fishing and Cattle
Balaguer (Lleida), 1975
She was the first woman to occupy the portfolio of Agriculture in the Govern, traditionally reserved for politicians from Lérida, and the main link with the independence movement in the rural area. In addition to technical positions at the Fundación del Món Rural or at Unió de Pagesos, Serret was also part of the permanent secretariat of the Catalan National Assembly. 

Judicial situation: 
The former minister remains escaped since the end of October 2017. The judge of the National High Court Carmen Lamela issued an international arrest warrant against her for remaining in Brussels and disregarding the summons to declare as imputed for rebellion, sedition and embezzlement. Judge Llarena, who accused her of the crimes of disobedience and embezzlement, withdrew the European arrest warrant issued against her. 

Accused, in jail
Carme Forcadell

Former President of regional Catalan Parliament
Cherta (Tarragona), 1956
She was president of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) for four years and became an advocate of the strategy of the independence movement in the legislative chamber ever since its appointment as President of the Parliament after the regional elections of September 2015, in which she was number two in the Junts Pel Sí list. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Rebellion. The judicial decree attributes a "core" participation from the beginning of the procés as president of the ANC. The judge accuses her of having put to a vote as president of the Parliament the approval of the "support legislation" that served as "alibi" of the procés even confronting with the Constitutional Court. She is accused of having demonstrated on September 20 and of having harangued the mobilization a day later at the doors of the TSJC. She received international observers and put the Parliament "at the service of the violent outcome obtained with the referendum". 

Punishment requested: The Prosecutor's Office requests 17 years in prison; the State Attorney reduces the request to 10 years. 

Accused, on bail
Lluís Corominas

Former President of the Parliamentary Group from Junts pel Sí
Castellar del Vallès, 1963
Former president of the parliamentary group of Junts pel Sí. He arrived at the Parliament in 2003 in the lists of the extinct CIU. He was for years the first vice president of the Parliament and, as such, a member of the Board. In November 2017, he announced that he would not be included in the list of Junts per Catalunya led by Puigdemont ahead of the 21-D elections, and assured that he was withdrawing from the first political line. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Disobedience. He is considered responsible for a crime of disobedience. He voted in favor of the Board admitting the two laws of the procés. On December 27, 2018, the Supreme Court decided to refer his case, and that of the other five who are only investigated for disobedience, so that they might be judged by the Higher Court of Justice of Catalonia. 

Punishments requested: Both the Office of the Prosecutor and the State Attorney request one year and eight months of disqualification and a 10-month fine. 

Accused, on bail
Lluís Guinó

First Vicepresident of the Board of Parliament from 25 July 2017 (PDeCAT)
Besalú (Girona), 1969
He is mayor of the historic town of Besalú since 1995 and a reference of the old CDC in the region of La Garrotxa. Member of Parliament since 2010, he had to replace Corominas when he replaced Turull as parliamentary spokesman for his party. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Disobedience. He is considered responsible for a crime of disobedience. He voted in favor of the Board admitting the two laws of the procés. On December 27, 2018, the Supreme Court decided to refer his case, and that of the other five who are only investigated for disobedience, so that they could be judged by the Higher Court of Justice of Catalonia. 

Punishments requested: Both the Office of the Prosecutor and the State Attorney request one year and eight months of disqualification and a 10-month fine. 

Accused, on bail
Anna Simó

First Secretary of the Board of Parliament (ERC)
Alamús (Lleida), 1968
She is one of the most outstanding profiles of ERC, party to which he joined in 1990 and in which he has held various positions of responsibility promoting policies of linguistic normalization. She was minister of Social Welfare in the tripartite government headed by Maragall between 2003 and 2006 and has held a seat in the regional Parliament for 11 years. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Disobedience. She is considered responsible for a crime of disobedience. She voted in favor of the Board admitting the two laws of the procés. On December 27, 2018, the Supreme Court chose to refer her case, and that of the other five who are only investigated for disobedience, so that they might be judged by the Higher Court of Justice of Catalonia. 

Punishments requested: Both the Office of the Prosecutor and the State Attorney request one year and eight months of disqualification and a 10-month fine. 

Accused, on bail
Ramona Barrufet

Fourth Secretaryof the Board of Parliament (PDeCAT)
Juneda (Lleida), 1959
Diploma in Teaching, she began to be a member of Democratic Convergence of Catalonia in the 1980’s; she was councilor and mayor in the City of Arbeca and member of the direction of the party in Las Garrigas. She has been a member of the Parliament since 2010. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Disobedience. She is considered responsible for a crime of disobedience. He voted in favor of the Board admitting the two laws of the procés. On December 27, 2018, the Supreme Court chose to refer her case, and that of the other five who are only investigated for disobedience, so that they might be judged by the Higher Court of Justice of Catalonia. 

Punishments requested: Both the Office of the Prosecutor and the State Attorney request one year and eight months of disqualification and a 10-month fine. 

Accused, free
Joan Josep Nuet i Pujals

Third Secretary of the Board of Parliament (CSP)
JuneReus (Tarragona), 1964
Member of the parliamentary group of ‘Catalunya Sí que es Pot’in the last legislature, he is a historical militant of the Communist Party and the United Left in Catalonia, and declares himself as non-supporter of the independence, which led him to vote "no" on the day of the proclamation of independence. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Disobedience. The judicial decree, like in the rest of the members of the Board, discards his involvement in an initial concert for violence, but it does rule him as a person responsible for a crime of disobedience. He voted in favor of the Board admitting the two laws of the procés for discussion and voting. On December 27, 2018, the Supreme Court chose to refer his case, and that of the other five who are only investigated for disobedience, so that they might be tried by the Higher Court of Justice of Catalonia. 

Punishments requested: The Office of the Prosecutor requests one year and four months of disqualification and a 10-month fine; The State Attorney reduces the penalty to 4 months of disqualification and 8-months of fine. 

Escaped from Spain
Marta Rovira

Former spokeswoman of the Parliamentary Group of Junts pel Sí
Vic, 1977
Lawyer and professor of Administrative Law, she is the general secretary of Esquerra Republicana de Cataluña and has been a member of the regional Parliament since 2012, with a very active participation in the definition of the legislative framework of the 1-O referendum. She assumed the defense of the position of the independence coalition in the approval of the laws of the referendum and of legal transition to the republic. 

Judicial situation: 
The Supreme Court charged her with the crime of rebellion after the elections of 21-D. On March 23, Rovira was tried for rebellion by Llarena and escaped from the country to travel to Switzerland after not testifying before the Supreme Court. In a statement, she affirmed that she was taking the "path to exile". Llarena issued a European Arrest Warrant against her. 

Escaped from Spain
Anna Gabriel

Former President of the Parliamentary Group CUP
Sallent de Llobregat, 1975
The most visible face of the anti-capitalist party in the Parliament, she studied Law, has been a professor at the UAB, social educator and member of the CGT. She was a councilor in Sallent for eight years and coordinator of the CUP in the regional Parliament since 2015. The dedication to the CUP has occupied a good part of her time since 2003. She assumed the defense of the position of the independence coalition in the approval of the laws of the referendum and of legal transition to the republic. 

Judicial situation: 
Judge Llarena accused her of a crime of rebellion on December 22, 2017. On February 20, Gabriel communicated her decision not to appear before Llarena until "there is guarantee of a fair trial," after escaping to Switzerland. A day later, the magistrate requested an arrest warrant against the ex-member of Parliament. On March 23, Judge Llarena prosecuted her for the crime of disobedience. On May 12, the judge issued a decree to open a separate judicial case against the seven prosecuted who were outside of Spain, including Anna Gabriel. 

Josep Lluís Trapero

Former Mayor of the Mossos d’Esquadra
Badalona, 1965
Former Highest Officer of the Catalan autonomous police force. Puigdemont appointed him to the position in April 2017; the position had been vacant for 10 years. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Rebellion. The Office of the Public Prosecutor of the National High Court accuses him of rebellion since they consider him "a key piece" in the supposed connivance of the police force with the Catalan independence procés. The judge investigating the siege to the judicial committee that registered the seat of the Ministry of Economy on the eve of the 1-O decreed the withdrawal of his passport and the prohibition to leave Spain. 

Punishments requested: The Office of the Prosecutor requests 11 years in prison and 11 years of disqualification for rebellion. 

Teresa Laplana

Superintendent of the Mossos d’Esquadra
Barcelona, 1961
This veteran agent, who was part of the first promotion of the regional police that included women, was in command of the Eixample police station when there was a siege to the judicial committee that registered the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Sedition. The judge of the National Court Carmen Lamela has imposed precautionary measures in the framework of the sedition lawsuit and keeps the leaders of Òmnium and the ANC in preventive detention. Her passport has been withdrawn,she cannot leave Spain and must appear every 15 days in court. 

Punishments requested: The Prosecutor's Office requests four years in prison for her. 

Accused, in jail
Jordi Sànchez

Former President of the Asamblea Nacional Catalana (ANC)
Barcelona, 1964
Before taking over from Carme Forcadell in the leadership of the pro-independence entity responsible for the multitudinous Diadas, Sànchez was attached to the Catalan ombudsman. A month after his entry into prison, he announced that he was leaving the presidency of the Catalan National Assembly. 

Judicial situation:
On October 16, 2017, Judge Lamela sent him to preventive detention accused of sedition for participating in the siege of the judicial committee that registered the seat of the Ministry of Economy before 1-O. Judge Llarena kept him in prison for risk of escape and criminal reiteration. In the Catalan elections of 21-D he participated in the lists of the independence coalition and was proposed as president to replace Puigdemont, although he ended up resigning. Judge Llarena has prosecuted him for rebellion. 

Crimes: Sedition and Rebellion. 

Punishments requested: The Prosecutor’s Office requests a penalty of 17 years of prison; the State Attorney, 8 years 

Accused, in jail
Jordi Cuixart

President of Òmnium Cultural
Santa Perpetua de Moguda, 1975
The president of the entity defending Catalan culture replaced Quim Torra. He was also one of the founders of the private foundation of pro-independence businessmen FemCat 

Judicial situation:
On October 16, 2017, Judge Lamela sent him to preventive detention accused of sedition for participating in the siege of the judicial committee that registered the seat of the Ministry of Economy before 1-O. In December of 2017, the Supreme Court accumulated the open cases against the independence movement. Judge Llarena keeps Cuixart in prison for risk of escaping and criminal reiteration. 

Crimes: Sedition and Rebellion. 

Punishments requested: The Office of the Prosecutor requests 17 years in prison and the State Attorney 8 years.nbsp;

Accused, free
Mireia Boya

Former Spokeswoman of CUP
Saint-Gaudens (Francia), 1979
Degree in Environmental Sciences, consultant and associate professor of the Department of Humanities of the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, she was the first member of Parliament to use the Aranese language in the Parliament of Catalonia, occupying a seat between 2016 and 2017. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: RDisobedience. She is accused of having signed and registered, on August 28, 2017, as president of the CUP's parliamentary group, along with Lluís Corominas, the proposed law of national and foundational transition to the republic. On December 27, 2018, the Supreme Court chose to refer her case, and that of the other five who are only investigated for disobedience, so that they might be judged by the Higher Court of Justice of Catalonia. 

Punishments requested: The Office of the Prosecutor requests one year and eight months of disqualification and a 10-month fine; The State Attorney reduces the penalty to 4 months of disqualification and 8 months of fine. 

Cesar Puig

Former General Secretary in the department of Domestic Affairs
Valls, 1956
Civil servant in the higher-up team of managers for the Administration of the Generalitat since 1987, he served as Secretary of the department of Domestic Affairs between June 30, 2015 and October 27, 2017. There, he was second only to Joaquim Forn when the independence referendum took place. 

Judicial situation: 
Crimes: Rebellion. The Office of the Public Prosecutor of the National High Court makes him a participant in the supposed connivance of the Mossos d'Esquadra with the Catalan independence procés 

Punishments requested: TThe Office of the Prosecutor requests 11 years in prison and another 11 years of disqualification. 

Pere Soler

Former director of the Mossos d’Esquadra
Terrassa, 1967
Director of Penitentiary Services between 2013 and 2016, he was the immediate superior of Josep Lluís Trapero when the illegal referendum took place. He served as political higher-up officer of the regional police between July and October 2017 after the resignation for political reasons of Albert Batlle, and acquired notoriety for messages posted on his Twitter account in which he claimed that the state would not be able to avoid the referendum. 



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