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Saturday, December 22, 2018

Triple pass of Pedro Sánchez by Joan Tapia

The business sector asks for the approval of the Budgets because it prioritizes stability- 

Pedro Sánchez won the censure motion thanks to Campuzano (from the old CDC) and ERC. But Waterloo pouted: PSOE equal to PP, better PP.

Then Sanchez launched the anti-inflammation: dialogue from the legality and less hysteria. And the independence movement explored the way. It suited the Generalitat, expecting to condition Sanchez and many Catalonian people were exhausted by so much tension and grandiloquence with result Aznar: less than zero.

But what if the anti-inflammation, with Miquel Iceta striking with the mallet and the Christian Democrats blessing, tempted the Catalans and resuscitated the third way? Torra threatened Sanchez with all the penalties of hell if in November he did not agree with the referendum.

Torra alone? Sánchez got everything complicated when ERC opted for "Prisoners for Budgets" and the prosecution followed "apparently unperturbed". Danger for Sanchez that could run out of Budgets, with a Council of Ministers in Barcelona that should not distract (Barcelona is Spain), with Torra cheering the CDR and talking about Slovenia and Vox in Andalusia looking lasciviously towards Madrid. The whole right shouted: to the guillotine!

The lesser evil 

But Sanchez is tenacious (remember the battle of the PSOE) and rationality (as on paper) also exists. Elsa Artadi said that the Council of Ministers in Barcelona was a provocation. Then Jordi Sánchez and ERC made her rectify. Sanchez (Pedro) was too much PSOE, but also the lesser evil and Casado scares more than Rajoy. Hence the joint statement on Thursday night: there are serious disagreements between the two governments, but there is a joint act that in Catalonia there is a conflict that must be resolved in spaces of dialogue and within the framework of the rule of law.

It is the evidence that annoys the right there and the radicals here. Although we are on the eve of the most divisive trial of Spanish democracy, secessionism swallowed (and wore on) the Spanish Government to meet in Barcelona. First pass by Sánchez.
In addition, the business community and a large part of civil society went to the Foment (businessmen forum) dinner on Thursday night. Ada Colau attended for the first time (to the Foment forum) and with clever speech. Torra too, although half half. And Pedro Sánchez was applauded not with enthusiasm, but almost. And Sánchez Llibre (president of Foment) operating as intermediary  between the Catalan bourgeoisie, the secessionists, Colau and the leader of the PSOE demanding that the Budgets be approved because the economy (which is doing well) needs stability. And the president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, in an intelligent speech, accompanied more or less. Second pass.

But, logically, there were protests for the 47%. In the demonstration there were 40,000 (Colau dixit). In the morning some radical violence, nothing excessive if we look at Paris. Violence discredits the one who exercises it and the Mossos (so criticized in Madrid) maintained order. There were cut roads. There were people saying 'tombarem el règim', (we will destroy the 78 regim) but the street continued its life. The protest is normal in democracy and nothing serious happened. Third pass.


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