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Saturday, December 22, 2018

A year since the secessionist 155: Humiliation of the left before the nationalist right, by Vicente Serrano

No, do not get confused, on Friday, December 21, a year ago the 155 was applicated by the secessionism itself that kidnapped the Parliament and the Generalitat.

Since the formation of the new Parliament of Catalonia on January 17, 2018, 22 sessions have been held and 3 laws have been approved, all three are modifications of previous ones. This is information available on the website of the same Parliament. https://www.parlament.cat/web/index.html.

In 339 days there have been 22 sessions, some may have lasted more than one day, okay, but if of 339 days one only works 30 or 40 days, a common citizen is fired. They will tell me that I practice demagoguery ...

Since September 1, the Congress of Deputies has 33 days of plenary sessions - and it is not that they are very hard workers, they do plenary sessions from Tuesday to Thursday. The Catalan Parliament from October 2 - date in which it held two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon - until the 17th of this month held 8 sessions. During 2018, the Congress of Deputies has approved 3 Organic Laws, 10 Ordinary Laws and 22 Decrees-Laws (little compared to 2015 with 16 Organic Laws, 48 ​​Ordinary, only 12 Decrees-Laws and 8 Legislative Decrees) http: // www.congreso.es/portal/page/portal/Congreso/Congreso/Iniciativas/LeyesAprob?_piref73_1335447_73_1335446_1335446.next_page=/wc/busquedasLeyesAprobadas&anoLey=2018

Obviously, apart from laws, parliamentarians, regional or national, do other things, but as a comparative index I think it is quite valid. Of the other things that our regional deputies have done lately there is one, especially despicable, that is to approve a motion that declares the Spanish Constitution antisocial and undemocratic. Following the logic of such a declaration, the first thing that those who have voted should do is resign from their seats since it is that Constitution that guarantees the right to represent Catalan citizenship.

That this motion be supported by national-secessionism is of its own, but that the Comúns do it offends those who voted for them. Incredible that some awaken now from the nightmare as Coscubiela or Lluís Rabell, but better late than never and better to take the decision soon. Only if there is a non-nationalist left without concessions to false historical rights will it be possible to reassume, not only the path of legality, no, but the struggle for equality throughout Spain.

Summit, meeting or pretend

I was wondering last week about what Sanchez would offer Torra. At the time I write this article, the Council of Ministers has not yet been held () and the Government's communique, run by Torra, has eliminated any reference to the Constitution, which is a forceful concept, replacing it with the phrase "in the framework of legal security ", an evanescent idea.

New PSOE concession to nationalism to get the positive vote in Congress for the ceiling for expenditure. It is an old dynamic of Spanish governments, both the PSOE and the PP. There is no literal quotation but the concession of the demanded referendum can be sensed, when will the gift arrive? Maybe in January, when budgets are debated ... Of course it will be difficult to get to debate because the ceiling will be returned by the Senate, where the PP has a majority. Yes, with that electoral system that benefits both the PP and PSOE in the general and nationalism in the regions.

It seems that yesterday Pedro Sánchez came to repeat, Zapatero's phrase, that he would support what comes out of that "space of dialogue" which is none other than the commission created by national-secessionism.

Pedro Sánchez, ties himself to the chair in any possible way

The institutional left - PSOE and Podemos (Comúns in Catalonia) - is reeling from their incompetence and betrays the popular classes they claim to defend. Pedro Sánchez is the final degeneration of a political elite obsessed in tying itself to the chair, even at the cost of dismantling the State. One can sympathize with the idea of ​​overthrowing a totalitarian state but what we have in Spain can not be defined as such. Unless, finally, one ends up believing the memes of national-secessionism.

The final conclusion is that of all this, the beneficiaries will be the right: the Catalanist right fueled by this discredited left and in reaction the Spanish right. One would not like to appear a conspiracy paranoid but it seems that some leaders of that official left work for the enemy.

Bad times for lyric! If the lyrics are the struggle for equality.

Nou Barris, Barcelona. December 21, 2018



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