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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The propaganda machinery 'indepe' abroad sails at full steam

The supporters of the independence of Catalonia do not cease to promote the 'procés' abroad in order to win support that until now have been insignificant. 

The Generalitat of Catalonia and its external service already has 13 territorial delegations abroad. In the eyes of current Catalan rulers, the 'embassy' of Madrid is also a representation abroad.

Who Forewarned is forearmed. Both 'President' Quim Torra and his Foreign Action Adviser, Ernest Maragall, have repeatedly announced it in recent months once the application of Article 155 has been repealed. Her delegate to the European Union, Meritxell Serret, is crystal clear in her intentions . In her Twitter profile she uses a transparent expression about the nature of his political mission: # FemRepública (# HacemosRepública).

The hand outstretched of Pedro Sánchez to Quim Torra in the Pedralbes palace on the 20th does not seem to make a dent in the tenacity of the independentists to continue digging trenches between Barcelona and Madrid. The official support obtained by the secessionists in the world has been scarce. The institutions of the European Union and multilateral organizations such as the United Nations have turned their backs on them. But they have achieved certain marginal support in the form of statements by politicians in places like the United Kingdom, Slovenia, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and so on in 12 European countries.

 Perhaps, the most outstanding international support is in Italy, where the 'procés' has always found a firm ally in the current vice president and interior minister, Matteo Salvini, at that time, leader of the Northern League.

Òmnium Cultural, with its 101 employees, is the spearhead to propagate all the 'independentists' claims in several languages. 

The verifiable reality is that the trenches continue to expand officially through the foreign service or Diplocat and unofficially through online portals and blogs sheltered in one way or another by the Generalitat and organizations related to the independence movement as Omnium Cultural. A propaganda activity that seeks echoes abroad in several languages, apart from Catalan and Spanish, in languages ​​such as English, French or German.

Internet, key propaganda factor Scottish academic Kathryn Crameri defends in her essay 'Goodbye Spain? 

The Question of Independence for Catalonia '(' Goodbye Spain? The question of the independence of Catalonia ') that the internet and social networks have been fundamental for the pro-independence cause when it comes to communicating and mobilizing its loyal followers and potential supporters , both in Catalonia and abroad.

Not in vain, during the year 2017, in full independence offensive of the Executive of Carles Puigdemont, the Diplocat subsidized foreign initiatives that made propaganda in favor of 'procés' on the Net. As anticipated by El Confidencial from sources of the Civil Guard, the exterior machinery of the Catalan Government financed activists, politicians and journalists from Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom and Latvia to campaign to wrap up the October 1 referendum.

SOM, Societat Cooperativa Catalana Limitada, chaired by one of the media figures of secessionism receives large subsidies.

Som Batabat, like 23 other companies, is part of SOM, Societat Cooperativa Catalana Limitada. The president of the governing council of that cultural and media cooperative is Oriol Soler Castanys (Ripollet, 1969), one of the businessmen of the nearby circle of Carles Puigdemont and friend of Oriol Junqueras. He has been described as one of the great men who moves the mediatic crib of the


The businessman Oriol Soler, one of the ideologues of Catalan secessionism, meets with Assange at the Embassy of Ecuador in London. El País affirms that since then, Assange has been intensely involved in the secessionist crisis and has published a multitude of disinformations in the network in support of the procés and against the Spanish government, chaired by Mariano Rajoy. Soler went to the Embassy of Ecuador in London on November 9, located at number 3 of Hans Crescent. Soler, accompanied by Andreu Grinyó, marketing director of the online supermarket Ulabox and expert in network communication campaigns and related to the independence movement, held a meeting of approximately four hours with Assange. It happened between five in the afternoon and nine in the evening, Spanish time. This has not been the only visit to the Embassy of Ecuador in London related to the attempted secession in Catalonia. Last August, US Congressman Dana Rhorabacher, known in Washington as "Vladimir Putin's friend," visited the cyber-activist in London and promised him that he would mediate with Donald Trump to obtain a presidential pardon [the equivalent of a pardon] for Assange. .



The CEO of SOM is the journalist and editor Eduard Voltas i Poll, Secretary of Culture of the Generalitat between 2007 and 2010, just the period in which the ARA, now owned by the Carulla family, obtained almost one million euros in funds of the Government for its launch.

Soler Castanys founded the national newspaper ARA in 2010 through the company Edició de Premsa Periodica ARA SL, of which he was sole administrator until 2012. SOM sold its stake in that newspaper in 2016 for 240,000 euros, according to his deposited accounts. in the Commercial Registry.

The subsidies received by SOM and its different subsidiaries to promote Catalan culture and independentism in Catalonia and abroad are estimated at more than 2.2 million euros in recent years. Only in 2016, SOM received from the Generalitat and the Diputación de Barcelona up to 245,000 euros in grants. These grants are granted annually even though SOM has been making profits year after year. In 2016 it obtained a net profit of 213,288 euros.
The authors of the blog 'Help Catalonia' almost always refer to Spanish judges as "inquisitors"

In the heat of the business initiatives of Oriol Soler, the propaganda continues its rhythm. The blog 'Help Catalonia' is one of its core exponents. Through its website and social networks, the contents of 'Help Catalonia' focus on denouncing the miseries of Spanish democracy, highlighting the always democratic actions of politicians and activists 'indepes', telling the story of Catalonia always truffled by a secessionist bias or in requesting the freedom of the nine political prisoners.

 His news production is copious and does not stop at outbursts. On December 2, he described as "Spanish terrorists" the executors of a small fire at the ERC headquarters in Cervera (Lleida).

Nor do they pay any attention to praising the actions of the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR). On the occasion of the demonstrations of the past day 22 for the celebration in Barcelona of the Council of Minister, 'Help Catalonia' once again underlined the police brutality against peaceful Protestants that ended with "77 wounded people; 137 in the last 15 days. " For the authors of this news portal "the regional body of the Mossos is made up of Spanish agents" and forms part of "authoritarian governments".

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs watches the entire propaganda process with its hands tied. "It is very curious that our embassies tell us that, rather than promoting Catalonia, what Catalan delegations do is to denigrate and delegitimize Spain," a ministry spokesperson told the newspaper.

The 'Spanish Inquisition' is a common place for authors this blog in English. Almost always referring to Spanish judges, they qualify them as "inquisitors" and justice in general as "Spanish Inquisition."


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