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Saturday, February 02, 2019

Demonstrators of the ANC occupy the headquarters of the European Commission in Barcelona

The secessionist entity appeals to citizens to come and "demand the EU to react" to the trial of 1-O

Looks to Europe. With the aim of focusing the claim within the framework of the European Union the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) has taken advantage of the demonstration against the transfer of procés prisoners to Madrid jails to occupy the headquarters of the European Commission and the European Parliament in Barcelona.

As of 6:00 pm, tens of people have concentrated on the building located at the confluence between Passeig de Gràcia and Calle Provença in protest for the 1-O trial and to demand the exercise of the right to self-determination. A total of 21 demonstrators -according to the entity itself- have accessed the European headquarters and have locked themselves, while outside there has been an increase, to be counted in hundreds, in the number of people blocking the door of the premises.

“We demand that the EU reacts; self-determination is a right and not a crime"

Catalan National Assembly
Moments after the occupation, the ANC itself has made an appeal through the social networks for its supporters to concentrate at the door of the headquarters, taking advantage of the fact that many of them were on their way to the demonstration that had been convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Jardinets de Gràcia.
"We demand the EU to react, self-determination is a right and not a crime," defends the entity chaired by Elisenda Paluzie by way of Twitter, in a message in which she demands that the citizens accompany them. "Everyone here, we stay, come," they ask. From the own entity they assure that their intention is to spend the whole night in the building and leave this Saturday at 11.00 in the morning and, in fact, they encourage all the participants to accompany them from outside in the street.

Concentration at the headquarters of the Commission

The ANC has delivered a letter addressed to Juncker (EC) in which they request the intervention of the EU institutions in the face of the "violation of fundamental rights"

Shortly thereafter, the ANC has made public the letter delivered to the EU headquarters in the Catalan capital; in the letter they explain the reasons for the occupation. The letter, addressed to the president of the European Commission (EC), Jean-Claude Juncker, and to the head of the EC representation in Barcelona, ​​Ferran Tarradellas, states that nine pro-independence leaders have been transferred to Madrid for a trial whereby they face "charges for a crime, rebellion, that they did not commit".

"The only violence in the process of self-determination in Catalonia has been that of the Spanish police that repressed the referendum", they add.

The letter, signed by Paluzie, calls for the application of Article 7 of the EU Treaty to Spain

In this respect, the Assemblea emphasizes that "democratic societies and their institutions cannot tolerate the violation of fundamental rights in the heart of Europe". "Spain is treading on the human, civil and political rights of the Catalan minority," she adds.

Therefore, the entity piloted by Paluzie claims to the EC to activate Article 7 of the Treaty of the European Union "to deprive the Spanish State of their voting rights and representation." "The credibility of the EU and the entire process of European integration is at stake," she argues.

Support of the parties

ERC and the CUP applaud the occupation of the ANC

After Paluzie’s itemizing of the reasons for the rally, CUP member of Parliament Carles Riera has taken the floor to "congratulate the ANC for the bravery and courage" of this occupation. "Today the European Union is a prison and a space increasingly opposed to real democracy," the representative of the anti-capitalist party has ruled.

ERC has also shown its support for the concentration through its member of Parliament Ruben Wagensberg, present in the mobilization. "We are in front of the European Commission because when it comes to civil liberties and fundamental rights we are very used to their looking the other way round". "If Europe wants to be worthy of its fundamental rights, what it has to do is taking sides because it has the right to and, above all, the duty to put the focus on what is going on in Catalonia."

The Catalan singer-songwriter and former member of Junts pel Sí Lluís Llach has also spoken, proclaiming that "in the face of the growth of fascism, Catalonia is a very important bastion of civic defense", and has asked to resist in the face of the difficult days that, according to his own prediction, are coming.

During the rally, members of the ANC have hung a banner with the motto Self-determination is a right, not a crime on the balcony of the building. They have also placed a black ribbon in the center of the European Union flag.

A few meters away from the Barcelona headquarters of the EC, Arran - a youth group affiliated with the CUP - which had organized a demonstration in parallel, has dumped paint and thrown eggs against the door of the Superior Prosecutor's Office of Catalonia. After that, the anti-capitalist group has gone to the Conselleria d'Interior (Departmernt of Domestic Affairs), from where they have demanded the resignation of its owner, Miquel Buch: "Today you are equally guilty of repression."

This same Friday the Assemblea had called a demonstration in the Jardinets against the trial of 1-O, a few hours after this morning the nine prisoners of the procés had been transferred from Catalan prisons to Madrid prisons Soto del Real and Alcalá Meco, in order to attend the trial that will start on Tuesday, February 12.


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