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Monday, January 28, 2019

Ex-president of Òmnium Cultural, Jordi Cuixart one of the authors of 'Contes per ser lliures': the book for children against the King and the judges The volume, published this week, disqualifies the Monarchy and the judiciary with eleven children's stories written by Jordi Cuixart, Lluís Llach or Bel Olid

Ignasi Jorro

Contes per ser lliures, in Catalan, or Tales to be free, in Spanish. It is the book for children that charges against the Monarchy and the judiciary in eleven children's stories that suspiciously resemble a country very similar to Spain. The volume has been edited by the so-called Association for Civil Rights of Catalonia (Adic) and, under the guise of defending liberties, charges against the political system and national legal order.

As reported by Efe, the copies, which are sold at a price of 15 euros in places such as Fnac, El Corte Inglés or La Casa del Libro, explain up to eleven civil and political rights to children, although with a very marked bias. For starters, the authors are all pro-independence activists, from the former Junts pel Yes (JxSí) Lluís Llach to the former CUP candidate Bel Olid, through the cook Ada Parellada, the presenter Empar Moliner, the former top official of the Generalitat Jordi Cabré - nephew of Xavier Trias, former mayor of Barcelona -, the ANC activist Jordi Calvís or the ex-president of Òmnium Cultural, Jordi Cuixart, today in preventive prison accused of sedition.

"The new kings imprison rappers"

The content is also peculiar. In the story that Llach describes the right to participate in public affairs, the singer says that "when there was no democracy minstrels who sang things contrary to the king of the day were sent to the stake, today are the new kings of democratic lie want to imprison clowns, rappers, mayors, deputies ... and storytellers. "

The cook Ada Parellada, who has to relate the right to freedom, gives life to the carom, a yellow tropical fruit. One day, these fruits arrive in a country where "the yellow color was forbidden because he had fallen on his head a little yellow bag" to the emperor.

The regime, then, "ordered the police to throw away, destroy or imprison everything that was yellow," the story continues. At one point in history, fruits are "deprived of freedom" until they are rescued and exported abroad, where they are seen, "as the best yellow fruits of the universe."
"A king whose crown is too heavy"

For its part, the writer, ex-candidate of the CUP to the Catalan parliament and Bel Olid tries to shed light on the right to a fair trial explaining that in an imaginary country a king dictated the laws "absurdly because the crown weighed too much "

The story explains that one day, a girl reprimands the head of state for his attitude and the crown and head explode and end "on the moon or on Mars." From that moment, the subjects of the nation learn to live without regents "with the rules that seemed best to all, with joy and freedom."

The volume has begun to market this week. It is self-publishing, that is, it is not edited by any publisher, and the benefits of it, says the pro-independence entity, will go to the imprisoned politicians to organize the process in Catalonia and their families.


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