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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Open Letter to Authorities in Belgium

Madrid, December 24, 2018 

HE Mr. D. Marc Calcoen
Ambassador of Belgium in Spain
Paseo de la Castellana, 18

Dear Mr. Ambassador:

On behalf of an informal group of retired Spanish Ambassadors, I have the honor to send to His Excellency the attached open letter to the Belgian authorities. I also accompany a list of signatories of the letter. I beg you please to transmit the aforementioned letter to the highest national, regional, communal, and judicial authorities of the Kingdom of Belgium.

Receive an attentive greeting.

Dr. José Antonio de Yturriaga Barberán
Ambassador of Spain

Names of signatories of the open letter sent by a group of former Spanish Ambassadors to the authorities of Belgium
-Alba, César
-Álvarez de Toledo, Alonso, Marqués de Martorell
-Arias, Inocencio Félix
-Cámara, Manuel, de la
-Cardona, Melitón
-Grandes, Estanislao de
-Jiménez-Ugarte, Javier
-Leña, Juan
-López Aguirrebengoa, Pedro
-López Álvarez, Fidel
-Manso, Domingo de Silos
-Martel Erik, Marqués de San Fernando del Mar
-Martínez Corrocher, Joaquín, Conde de Sierra Gorda
-Pérez, Arturo Manuel
-Perinat, Luis Guillermo, Marqués de Perinat
-Pombo, Manuel, Marqués de Casa Pombo
-Quesada, Eduardo
-Remacha, José Ramón
-Roselló, José Luis
-Rupérez, Javier
-Sánchez de Boado, Carlos
-Sebastián de Erice, José Pedro
-Segovia, Luis Fernando de
-Spottorno, Rafael
-Torre, Servando de la
-Velo-Antelo, José
-Yturriaga, José Antonio de




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