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Thursday, December 20, 2018

The movement RECORTES CERO (Zero Cuts) denounces the "lies of Torra and Puigdemont" that divide Catalan society

A manifesto signed by more than a thousand people, including intellectuals and artists, calls for the resignation of Torra

The current Govern, chaired by Torra, turning its back on the reality of a plural Catalonia and diverse, it has as a declared priority to advance in the path of independence, with division and confrontation what it entails

On the anniversary of the Anti-Democratic Scam that took place on September 6 and 7 of last year, Recortes Cero denounces "the lies launched by the President of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, they are an authentic antidemocratic fraud".

Nuria Suárez, spokesperson of Recortes Cero  has said that "the objective can not be other than to divide and confront, to impose an exclusionary project on all Catalan society", recalling that Recortes Cero was concentrated before the Parliament on September 6 and 7. a year ago to denounce it, and promoted 5 manifestos in the press that brought together more than 10 thousand professionals and activists of the Catalan left.

At the same time, Recortes Cero has also denounced that "the figure of Luther King or Nelson Mandela is usurped by those who defend principles opposed to those of the leaders of the fight against racial segregation." They pretend to hide that all Catalan society it is subject to the cuts that Mas, Puigdemont, and now Torra, have applied, and to which the government of Rajoy, as in the rest of Spain, imposed. "

The reality is not, as President Torra said, that "the independence movement is the main political current in Catalonia, and we have the social majority, as shown in the elections." First, because those who participated in the 1-O referendum, or voted for independence forces on 21-D, only represent 38% of the census. But above all because the division that matters is the one that exists between the 90% that suffers the cuts and the tiny minority that imposes them and benefits from them.

President Torra can not present himself as the champion of "a progressive social policy", concealing that he, and the Mas or Puigdemont, are the ones who have executed the largest wave of social cuts in recent history in Catalonia, attacking health and public education, reducing social protection ...

President Torra proclaims himself "defender of a separatism that has always been inclusive", but claims "the legacy of the 1-O", which began with the plenary sessions of September 6 and 7 last year, trampling on the rights of non-independentists congressmen, and pretending to impose a unilateral rupture to the majority of the Catalan society that rejected it.

We can not consent they divide and confront us with lies. From Recortes Zero we condemn this line of action that seeks the division of working people when the reality, for example, is that most of those who put or remove yellow ties have the same problems and interests. The vast majority of Catalans are "attacked" by the same cuts, caused by those who impose looting on us from power, be it the large bank that has paid zero euros of taxes after having had billions of profits in the last year, or be the Catalan bureaucratic elite, such as Torra, Puigdemont and all his entourage, who earn salaries much higher than those of the central State.

Now that it seems that Franco is finally going to leave the Valle de los Caídos, the Catalan rulers want to turn this land into a valley of crosses, also resorting to lies and the "revision" of recent history.

What Catalan society needs is unity to defend the interests of the majority, which can not be more antagonistic with those of Torra and Puigdemont, as with those of Rajoy and Casado. We need unity to raise salaries and pensions, to improve public health and education, to create wealth and permanent employment, to defend public pensions. Those who want to divide us and face us, the Catalans and Catalonia from the rest of Spain, do so to impose an even greater degree of looting.

All and all democrats must unite and make all the necessary efforts to heal the open wounds and the fractures provoked that make coexistence impossible, but also that we achieve a future of wellbeing and progress for the majority.


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