Monday, December 10, 2018

The independentist movement has to put again their feet on the ground

The action of the Catalan police against the CDRs that wanted to prevent a Spanish demonstration in Girona, caused President Torra to give a term to the conseller Buch to purge the leadership of the Mossos. Today, Buch has ended up apologizing to the police commanders, validating his performance and trying to turn the page on the president's slip.

Torra, that while this was happening was making a solidarity fast with the prisoners on hunger strike, he has to decide if he wants to govern the country or if he wants to simply dedicate himself to keeping the tension alive, given the impossibility of taking effective steps towards the republic. And act, accordingly. The occurrences are tiring.

And even the president of the Parliament, Roger Torrent, has corrected him: my model is not Slovenian, it is the Scot of a referendum agreed. Let each stick hold its candle. The independence movement must come down from the clouds, if it does not want people to escape instead of winning allies.

Social unrest exists and has already begun to manifest itself. You can not live infinitely on the promise.  Nor to pretend that the citizenship absolves the government of its responsibilities in the problems of everyday life while waiting for an independence that everyone knows is not on the agenda.

And what is also sad is that the Spanish government and parties fall into provocation and respond to the outbursts of Torra with threats and insinuations that always point to the repressive path.

They do nothing but feed his delirium.

Say it with the formula you want, but this crisis has only political output. And from the Spanish institutions there has been very little, and late, to find it.

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