Monday, December 10, 2018

The Government announces legal measures against Torra for invoking the use of violence

 The vice president of the Government, Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Equality, Carmen Calvo, has called this Monday "inadmissible" what happened this Sunday in Catalonia and while it has guaranteed that the central executive will take measures so that it does not happen again.

However, asked if it is time to apply the 155, the vice president has indicated that this is "the last step that must be reached" and that the Constitution and the Rule of Law establishes response situations "in which find the central government. " 

 "The Government is studying all the response capacity we have in all possible ways because this can not happen and less when security depends fundamentally on the own responsibility of Generalitat and Torra, who has to know that he is in Catalonia to govern for all, to establish security and tranquility in coexistence and not to generate the contrary, "said Calvo.

 "Torra is to guarantee the security, coexistence and tranquility in Catalonia, and the Government of Spain is there for that", she continued before explaining that since last night the Executive is working "on the reaction measures that we are going to determine and that they affect the competition that the Government of Spain has because this can not happen ".

She insisted that what happened in Catalonia "will have consequences", at the same time she warned that the Catalan president, Quim Torra, "can not be inhibited when situations that cause unrest in the citizenship occur because their main obligation in Catalonia, as the authority of the State that is, is the maintenance of security and coexistence ".... The free movement of goods and people, which is a fundamental right, must be guaranteed by Security Bodies depending on the Generalitat.

She calls Torra "irresponsible"

Regarding the declarations made by Torra appealing to the Slovenian road, Carmen Calvo has warned that the Catalan president crossed in the speculative field "a line of absolute irresponsibility", referring to a situation that, as she recalled, "left behind dead and wounded".

"Nobody can think of doing their job as public officer if it is not in peace, security and coexistence," she said before insisting that Torra drew a line "unacceptable and impossible for public officer in a democracy like the Spanish , one of the best in the world.


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