Monday, December 10, 2018

The Government will send the National Police to Catalonia if the Mossos do not guarantee public order

 The Executive sends three letters to the Generalitat in which it demands in a hard tone that it ends with the "abandonment of functions" of the Mossos or the National Police will act.

"It is our obligation to evaluate the possible breaches of the legal system that have occurred," Calvo concludes in a tone of clear warning.

The Government has confirmed a clear turn of its speech in front of the independentistas, a week after the bad result of the Andalusian elections. The Executive has sent three letters to the Generalitat in which he criticizes the "abandonment of functions" of the Mossos in the weekend roadblocks and warns him: if the Generalitat does not guarantee security, Interior will send the police. It would not be an application of Article 155, because Interior would not take control of the Mossos, but a sample of total distrust. The Executive wants to avoid an uncontrolled situation on the 21st, when the Council of Ministers celebrates in Barcelona.


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