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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Catalan Parliament is installed in paralysis and symbolism with only three laws passed

The independence movement claims that Catalonia is immersed in an exceptional situation by politicians imprisoned or fled from justice.

The Catalan Parliament is the reflection of the political paralysis that Catalonia is going through, with a government very aware of symbols and a Chamber that is almost testimonial. In the first six months of the legislature there was no parliamentary activity because there was no government and from June until now only three modifications of laws that already existed have been approved, two of them at the proposal of the PSC. On the contrary, the Chamber has created three investigation commissions and has approved controversial resolutions that, in some cases, ended up suspended.

 If the legislative activity is an indicator of the functioning of a Parliament to regulate the most varied aspects of citizens' lives, in Catalonia it will be three years since Carles Puigdemont was appointed president of the Generalitat, in January 2016, without having adopted laws of transcendence, apart from those related to the independence process that were annulled by the Constitutional Court.

The independence movement claims that Catalonia is immersed in an exceptional situation by imprisoned politicians or fugitives from justice and that under these conditions it is also very difficult for the Parliament to function normally. However, the truth is that the claim of the secessionist majority to invest three presidents before Quim Torra kept the Chamber paralyzed for half a year and when the government was formed, internal disputes continued between Junts per Catalunya and Esquerra on how to replace the deputies who had been suspended by justice.

One year after the elections of December 21, 2017, the Parliament has only approved three modifications of laws already in force, two of them, at the initiative of the socialist parliamentary group. One served to delay the entry into force of the deadline for demanding knowledge of English for Catalan university students and another so that women victims of sexist violence admitted to foster homes could benefit from the guaranteed income of citizenship.

 The third modification, approved on May 8 and is the reflection of the symbolic strategy of the independence movement and served to change the 2008 law of the Presidency of the Generalitat. The claim was none other than allowing Carles Puigdemont to be invested telematically one day. The independence majority ignored the reports of the lawyers and continued with the modification. The Government of Mariano Rajoy appealed to the Constitutional Court and was suspended days later.

Eva Granados, parliamentary spokesperson for the PSC, says that "the independence movement must decide whether it wants to remain installed in emotional soflamas or accept at once the path of institutional dialogue." Despite the minimal parliamentary activity, the socialist deputy insists that, "at least in this legislature is not breaking any law as happened in the previous, nor has returned to disobedience a year ago."


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