Sunday, December 02, 2018

Bad manners, populism and democracy

Although there has been a progressive degradation in Spain not only of quality but also of forms in the political debate, this trend has been exacerbated in recent weeks. First it was an episode in the Catalan Parliament in which President Quim Torra accused the socialist leader, Miquel Iceta, of dripping cynicism and in which the deputy Ruben Wagesberg of ERC called the Ciudadanos party fascist, to which, one of the deputies referred to, Carlos Carrizosa, responded accusing the independence movement of supremacist.

But it also happens that in Spain those bad manners are not only taking place in the institutional sphere, but that this way of understanding politics has also spread to the street, evidencing not only the dubious quality of a part of the political class, but also the scarce democratic political culture of some sectors of society. The worrying thing about all this is that a dangerous denigration of the political adversary turned into an enemy is being installed, a vision that until recently seemed overcome.

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