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Tuesday, December 04, 2018

About 50 activists sabotage an act of Valls in the Raval - The candidate for mayor of Barcelona went to the problematic street Robador to explain their proposals on security

Fifty activists have just sabotaged an act by Manuel Valls in the Raval neighborhood. The candidate for mayor of Barcelona went at noon to Robador Street to explain some of their approaches in terms of security. This is the first pre-election act of Valls on public roads previously announced. And several dozens of people from pro-independence movements, from the extreme left and from the defense of prostitutes received him with whistles, insults and shouts.

"I have the necessary experience," said Valls from a platform. I have the necessary experience and I am determined to do it. If I am elected mayor I will lead the security strategy of Barcelona. I will give the Guardia Urbana the confidence it requires. I will increase your resources. The cooperation between police officers will be absolute. I will not underestimate the terrorist risk. And I will launch a new policy of comprehensive security and proximity that includes working with civil society, the best management of social policies, the care of public space and the promotion without complexes of citizenship ".

As he spoke, the number of protesters grew. Many of them declined to explain to which entities they belonged, although among them could be seen several people close to the CUP, the Raval Libertarian Putes and groups against real estate speculation. "We are here to denounce that we do not want to come to save the same neoliberals that led us to this situation," they denounced. The act was also attended by curious and sympathetic. Despite the tension, there were no serious incidents.


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