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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

TV-3 recognizes for the first time that the declaration of independence was 'fake'

A report issued in the Telenotícies Migdia of this Sunday maintains that it was a "declaration of intentions"

The TV-3 news programs have changed the way of referring to the declaration of independence on October 27, 2017. For the first time ever, in the  Telenotícies of this past Sunday it has been openly stated that this declaration of independence was not effective, but rather it was a simply simbolic declaration of intentions which was not published in the official bulletins. A perspective coincidental with the line of defense raised last week by the former minister of Home Affairs Joaquim Forn during the oral hearing of the trial in the Supreme Court: he declared that "the independence was not declared at all".
Thus, the Telenotícies of this Sunday at noon has issued a report in which, among other testimonies, the statements of Carme Forcadell to the judge are heard; she said: "It is a symbolic political declaration, Your Honor. No parliamentary procedure was initiated because, as you said, it was not registered nor voted." Likewise, a statement from the leader of ERC Marta Rovira is included, in which she affirmed: "It could not have any effects, because we knew what was the political context that was on the board".

Statements of a former lawyer of Parliament

Was the declaration symbolic? Did it actually get to be voted? Josep Maria Martí Rigau, a journalist with great political experience, responds to these questions, pointing out that "that day in the Parliament of Catalonia everything was being prepared not to get hurt. In the end, there was fear".

The voice in off in the piece emphasizes that the fact that what was voted was "a proposal of resolution" results in the declaration not being really a law but only a “declaration of intentions”.

The report includes statements by Francesc Pau, a former lawyer of the Parliament, who maintains: "Parliaments pass laws that have legal effects and resolutions that do not have any legal effects; the Parliament expresses an opinion. It does not go further".

Something else was voted

The journalist points out that, although Forcadell reads the declaration of independence in the Parliament, she herself makes it clear that the part to be voted on is quite another. It is also highlighted the fact that the Secretary General and the principal lawyer of the Parliament leave the plenary session at the very time of the voting, and that this declaration is not published in the official bulletin of the Parliament. During the oral hearing of the trial, the prosecutor Javier Moreno was wrong in his argument in the session on previous issues when he pointed to the declaration as published in the official gazette of the Generalitat.

On October 26, EL PERIÓDICO published a research report in whith details on how the “fake UDI was created. Thus, at the meeting of the Board of the Parliament on the 27th, it was made clear that only the operative part, not the preamble, was "subjected to voting and approval", and therefore, that the resolution had no "legal effects". The Board also wanted to leave in a written record that the preamble, which included the declaration of independence proper, would not be put to a vote.

The other trick was the format of the text itself. A proposal for a resolution was voted, which in parliamentary dynamics is nothing more than a document that urges the Government to take a series of decisions. Neither was an institutional declaration nor a proposition with the rank of law. And what that text called upon the Executive was to approve all the decrees and resolutions necessary to develop the law of legal transition -which created a new Catalan legal framework-, starting with the "expedition to the citizenship" of the Catalan identity documents.


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