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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

No one did anything on the 1-O

Enric Hernàndez

If Forn and Turull have not strayed from the truth in the Supreme Court, neither the Govern organized the 1-O, a mere staging, nor Parliament voted the DUI, conceived as wet paper

Tuesday, 02/19/2019 | Updated at 18:28 CET

The Mossos did not ignore the judicial orders; they executed them trying, of course, not to endanger the coexistence. The Government did not authorize the use of public places, nor ordered envelopes, ballots or ballot boxes, nor misappropriated public resources, nor publicized the illegal referendum of 1-O; it limited itself to requesting dialogue from the State and, in its absence, to "giving the voice to the people". And the Parliament did not proclaim independence on October 27; it only expressed "the legitimate sentiment of Catalan society" by means of "a mere political declaration".

Counseled by their lawyers, Joaquim Forn and Jordi Turull, the defendants who have answered the questions of the public prosecutors in the oral hearing of the trial in the Supreme Court, have limited the true extent of the facts that are imputed to them in order to prove their innocence. This is: beyond the political proclamations, neither the Generalitat actually organized the 1-O referendum, which as the consultation of 9-N would have been the work of volunteers, nor the Catalan Parliament voted the unilateral declaration of independence (DUI); it only expressed a longing, that of constituting a republic, which did not even acquire official status provided that it was not even published in any institutional outlet.

Nobody did anything, except disregarding ("pondering", in Turull’s words) the Constitutional Court's mandates to stop the 1-O voting. What would expose them, at most, to a conviction for disobedience, crime punishable by disqualification to hold public office, but not prison.


If these defendants are not straying from the truth for the sake of self-defense, they would be unmasking a phenomenal political-media representation aimed at staging first a "binding referendum" - as Carles Puigdemont publicized - and then feigning a DUI not only being aware that it was wet paper, but also trying to do so to minimize its criminal effects for them.

If true, and some data so indicate, the pro-independence forces and their heralds should stop assuming the alleged "democratic mandate" of the 1-O and offer many explanations to the two million Catalans who would, in conditional, have been played for fools.


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