Friday, February 08, 2019

This is the proposal of the Spanish Government to the Generalitat of Catalunya

The Executive of Quim Torra has rejected the proposal put forward by Sánchez

The Government has distributed to the media a three-page document explaining the proposal for a dialogue with the Generalitat and which, according to Vice-President Calmen Calvo, the Catalan Government has rejected and therefore has concluded the negotiation.

This is the entire content of the Government document.

The Pedralbes meeting held on December 20 ended with a joint statement that exposed the need to initiate an effective political dialogue. Specifically, the Governments of Spain and Catalonia agreed to affirm:

- The existence of a conflict over the future of Catalonia.

- Its commitment to an effective dialogue that conveys a political proposal that has broad support in Catalan society.

- That spaces for dialogue that allow meeting the needs of society and progress in a democratic response to the demands of the citizens of Catalonia, within the framework of legal security, should continue to be strengthened.

- That the path of dialogue will require the efforts of all institutions, political actors and citizens.

Likewise, it was added that both governments commit to work to make it possible. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the bases of this dialogue and the objectives that are intended.


The objectives of the dialogue are those agreed in the Pedralbes Declaration. They are established within the framework of a democratic State of law that guarantees political pluralism, to whose defense we are all bound.

1. Effective dialogue

This effective dialogue is guaranteed both by the call of the bilateral commission and the table of parties. In this way, the spaces for dialogue already existing in the Congress of Deputies and in the Parliament are expanded and the objective is to analyze the proposals submitted for debate and approval.

2. Political responses.

Each of the parties will submit the proposals that it considers in their respective spaces, responding to the relationship proposed between Catalonia and the rest of Spain.

3. Broad support.

The objective will be the search for political responses that reach broad support from Catalan society.

4. Democratic response within the framework of legal security.

The democratic proposal resulting from the work of the spaces for dialogue must be articulated through the appropriate and possible legislative amendments.


- Format: a double dialogue forum is established; on the one hand, an institutional space between the central government and the Catalan government through the bilateral State-Generalitat Commission and, on the other hand, a table of parties.

- Purpose: the objective of the double dialogue forum is to agree on a democratic political proposal to resolve the conflict over the future of Catalonia.


At the table of parties each one of the participants will present their proposals for resolution and political project, with total freedom, about the future of Catalonia in order to reach a consensus on a political and democratic proposal. Two representatives will be part of the table, with decision-making capacity in the two territorial areas (state and Catalan), of each of the political groups represented in Catalonia and, where appropriate, of the formations linked to them. In front of this table of parties will be proposed by common agreement a person who will be the one who facilitates the coordination of the works, the calls and set the agenda. Likewise, it will help create the ideal conditions for dialogue, will attest to the agreements reached and will determine the follow-up of its application.

Transparency and communication: the parties involved, with the support of the person in charge of facilitating the dialogue, will establish channels of communication to guarantee the transparency of the agreements reached, where appropriate, and the maintenance of an effective dialogue for the achievement of political agreements .

Calendar: before the end of this month of February, the date of constitution of the table of parties, the program and the work schedule will be defined. Also, in the same period the person in charge of facilitating the work of the table will be chosen.


It is agreed to advance in the institutional work within the State-Generalitat Bilateral Commission.


- Make a diagnosis of the evolution of the conflict in Catalonia

- Consolidate existing institutional dialogue spaces

- Make proposals on the future of institutional relations between the central government and the Generalitat of Catalonia


-From the Government of the State: Secretaries of State for Relations with Courts and Territorial Policy.

-From the Government of the Generalitat: representative of the Presidency of the Generalitat and general secretary of the Vice Presidency and d'Economia i Hisenda.

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