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Friday, February 08, 2019

A platform is born to bring together liberal Catalanism

Eva Parera is in charge of a transversal group that will attend the Catalan elections.

A new political object has started in Catalonia, after a long time of analysis and elaboration in the kitchen.

A group of outstanding Catalan personalities that will try to add all the parties of this sensibility in a great electoral platform in the next elections to the Generalitat. As the first face and voice of this project, which will try to bring together liberal and conservative Catalanism that feels "orphan" of representatives, is the lawyer Eva Parera, one of the founders of Units and who could be in the first positions of the candidacy of Manuel Valls to the mayor of Barcelona. Next to her, another of the names that this newspaper has been able to know is that of the businesswoman Remei Gómez, who was a candidate of CiU to the mayor of Bellaterra.

This platform, which over time has the vocation to become a more ambitious subject, be it an association of parties or an independent and autonomous party, arises from the concern of a large number of people from different parties, traditions and sensibilities -some closer to the post-convergent space, others to the activism against independence, there is no shortage of those who do not possess previous political baggage- because of the social and political fracture due to the independence process. Amen of the "urgency" of placing political Catalanism as the axis and engine of debate in Catalonia.

Very different profiles of people who have decided to take a step forward in the face of the crisis in Catalonia and who hope to build ties and complicities to build, explain, an alternative for those 75% of Catalans who feel comfortable with their multiple identity, since according to the polls, they assume their status as Spaniards and Catalans without problems, and they reject any rupturist way.

"It's not a hostile takeover"

"It is not a hostile takeover to anyone, it is an attempt to normalize the social and political life of Catalonia," they say, aware of the difficulties they will encounter with some of the leaders who are now trying to take control of Catalanism, such as the former Ramon. Espadaler, leader of Units and current deputy of the PSC group in the Parliament, which advocates strengthening its strategic alliance with the Socialists.

"In Catalonia there are many people who are Catalan but not from the left, we must and can offer them a political project," they affirm from the new platform, pointing out that one of their natural voting grounds is that of PDECAT sympathizers in economic matters, social and even cultural, but who are disgusted with the "radical drift" of recent years. "There is a clamor in many sectors of Catalan society to recover seny and Catalanism," they add.

The articulation of this new Catalan political movement, which in the coming weeks will announce its name and logo, as well as other people that comprise it and a calendar of actions, is not entirely alien to the transverse candidacy of Manuel Valls in Barcelona and luck that the French-Catalan politician may have in the municipal elections of May.

The possible arrival of Valls to the city council of the Catalan capital would suppose a definitive impulse to the project to construct a new party that agglutinates to all the space of the liberal and conservative Catalanism, to which they consider orphan after the disappearance of CiU. In fact, in recent months and before formalizing its existence, the promoters of this platform have hired the services of one of the most reputable sociologists in Spain to analyze whether in the current Catalan political board there is room for a new Catalanist party and in the center. The calculations of this guru is that it has options to get between 11 and 20 deputies.



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