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Thursday, February 07, 2019

The diplomat José Antonio de Yturriaga -

María Jesús Cañizares 

The Diplomat who sets the pace to Borrell against the 'indepentists'
The diplomat José Antonio de Yturriaga has become a good squire of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, when it comes to responding to pro-independence propaganda on an international level. 

 The veteran former ambassador, with an enviable curriculum, has promoted several communications to refute the messages of Puigdemont and its environment in various institutions, and has acted so that the voice of the Government was present in forums that sought to monopolize the independence. Yturriaga is an example that should be followed by the rest of the members of the Spanish diplomatic corps, which in recent times has shone for its passivity.

His curriculum is endless. The diplomat José Antonio de Yturriaga (Granada, 1936) has become the international scourge of Carles Puigdemont. Several days ago, the Foreign Minister, Josep Borrell, sent an email to this former ambassador and university professor, in which he thanked him for his letter of protest addressed to Trinitty College in Dublin for the participation of the former Catalan president in the conference Independence, nationalism and democracy, held on January 29.

"I was ambassador in Ireland for four years, I know that institution well, it is an offense that they invited a fugitive from Justice. I was very surprised that they did it, "he explains to Crónica Global. He praises Borrell, whom "I hold in high esteem and consideration. He is a serious person and I know people from his team. They are being activated to respond to pro-independence propaganda "through initiatives, he says, such as the newly created Global Spain platform. He assures that, throughout the so-called process, "the only ones who have lived up to the circumstances have been the King and Justice".

De Yturriaga joined the diplomatic career in 1963. He was secretary of the Embassy in Liberia, consul in Düsseldorf, international legal adviser, cultural advisor in Portugal, head of international legal advice, technical secretary, ambassador to Iraq, Russia and Ireland, president of the Superior Council of Foreign Affairs, permanent representative to the UN in Vienna ... And he is the author of numerous monographs on International Law issues.

Protest against Belgium
Several months ago, he mobilized half a dozen former ambassadors who signed a letter in which they expressed their "surprise, concern and indignation at the behavior that the Government and the Belgian judicial authorities are having with Spain" with the pro-independence leaders. complaint to the Scottish University of St Andrews, where Clara Ponsatí teaches, after the vice-rector assured that the former Education Counselor was being "persecuted for defending her ideas".

More recently, De Yturriaga was mobilized together with the Forum de Profesores for a debate at the London School of Economics on the future of nationalist leaders in preventive detention who, at first, only had to rely on Clara Ponsatí, her lawyer Aamer Anwar and the foreign minister of Catalonia Government, Alfred Bosch, to urge the institution to include at the last minute the professor of Political Sciences of the UNED José Ignacio Torreblanca to give a counterpoint. "Civil society can not replace the work of the Government and the feeling among diplomats is that there has been a certain passivity and there is also indignation about the attacks on Spain," Yturriaga explains.

He considers that the secessionist campaign against the image of Justice on the eve of the 1-O trial "is regrettable, it is one more act of disloyalty that independentists have always demonstrated. Nationalism needs an enemy. And I marvel at the ability to mobilize they have. They have had some success in that agitprop. "

José Antonio de Yturriaga believes that there is no easy solution for the Catalan conflict. "There is not a magic formula. Perhaps the only way out is to maintain the current situation. A constitutional reform is not viable because there is no consensus, the parties seem to want to bury the dialogue. Nor can we reward the rebels. The regime of the autonomies has many deficiencies, but the independence movement has failed. And many who supported him have realized. " The diplomat believes necessary "to restore order and law, because without law there is no democracy."

The diplomat will shortly publish a book in which he offers a vision of Catalonia from abroad. It is dedicated "to the Catalans who want to remain Spanish and to those who do not want to, so that they reflect on their attitude".


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