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Saturday, February 02, 2019

Laws against emotions

The week ends with the prisoners in Madrid and with the indication of the date of commencement of the trial: the next day 12.

The defenses will have eleven days to analyze the evidence finally admitted and in a climate that is defined by a singular battle: on the part independence, demonstrate that the process will be a farce, that is the word used. On the part of the State, demonstrate that the trial will be fair and with all the guarantees.

It is not just about judging some emblematic people, but about winning over national and international public opinion.

This is where the missions entrusted to state diplomacy, the broadcast of the sessions of the hearing and, on the other hand, the declarations of the Catalan leaders and the institutional declaration of the Government go.

Legal confrontation and large propaganda operations, as befits the perhaps most important judgment of democracy and with more foreseeable effects on territorial integrity.

It is evident that this process will not end in the judgments handed down by the Supreme Court. There is a general consensus that it will be European justice that will say the last word.

There is an international expectation with few precedents, as demonstrated in the media accreditation of fifty countries. And there is a struggle that goes beyond the scope of justice, because the development of the process will raise passions in Catalonia; because it will mobilize actions on the street; because there is fear of unknown electoral effects incredibly marked by the misfortune of Vox's role as a private accusation, and because the pro-independence leaders went ahead with the strategy of calling the cause unjust and proclaiming that 12 people are not judged, but rather all of Catalunya. Esquerra and PDECat stick knives in their conflicting relationship, but they coincide in the trial's qualification speech.

Read otherwise: the State has the power of laws, which, although they hurt, have no choice but to apply them and enforce them before serious and classified facts, with the seriousness of having attempted against the constitutional order and the unity of the nation .

The independence movement has the power of emotions, which for the moment has shown to know how to handle with the simplicity of the argument that persecutes democrats who seek the freedom of their people.

We are going to a very clear confrontation between both powers.

Maybe that's why the spokesperson, Isabel Celaá, yesterday asked that the emotions be appeased, although I am afraid that with little success: for the independence movement, this trial will be another step. And I even begin to believe that Quim Torra does not tell the truth when he says that he will only admit an acquittal.

Apart from the fact that I do not believe that it convinces the judges, what would you do if all the accused were released? The entire theory of the oppressor state would have no meaning.



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