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Thursday, January 03, 2019

Towards to federalization of a post-national Europe

Francesc Trillas
Professor at the Department of Applied Economics of the Autonomous University of Barcelona

As David Trueba recently recalled referring to Jane Goodall, the expert scientist in monkeys, "among the chimpanzees there are two habits of command: one violent, based on physical power, the other, more intelligent, rises on the basis of alliances. of the mandate of the former is less than that of the latter. " Perhaps for that reason, considering that humans are primates very similar to monkeys, federalism is already the form of government chosen by most of the people living in democracy in the world, and is the most stable.

Robert Menasse, Austrian Europeanist novelist, has written it in a declaration of love for Europe, the book "The Capital": Auschwitz can not happen again, and that is why we need a post-national Europe, free of ethnic and nationalist fanaticisms. The only other person I heard using the adjective "post-national" was once the current Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. Maybe we will learn.

In Catalonia, Oriol Junqueras says he wants a "free Catalonia" in a federal Europe. But ... how is it that he still believes that "freedom" is associated with national sovereignty, which is precisely what federalism wants to leave behind? How is it that he has cried to put borders and not to overthrow them? How has it endangered the imperfect federalism we have (and in the process our liberties and our minimum well-being) by repealing the Statute and the Constitution? How is it that he has participated in the arm of Europhobes in manifestations of nationalist choreography? 

However, as the evolutionary psychologists Mercier and Sperber explain in "The Enigma of Reason," reasoning is something we have acquired adaptively to persuade: it is positive that Junqueras has taken the time not only to pray, but also to discover the advantages adaptive and evolutionary of at least one federal rhetoric. Any route of agreement and solution will only come in this direction. But Junqueras needs to continue to evolve to understand that the federalism of the 21st century implies the overcoming of national sovereignty: with this it is impossible to govern globalization and achieve equity objectives (such as those that the independence process has put seriously in danger in Catalonia) .

If you join federalism with all the consequences, you will be in good company. Last October 6, a large Spanish federalist meeting took place in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat with the participation of many personalities, led by Nicolás Sartorius, founder of Comisiones Obreras, and responsible for the main Spanish progressive think tank, the Alternativas Foundation. The current general secretary of Comisiones Obreras, the main Spanish union, also participated. There were representatives from Andalusia, Aragon, Madrid and other communities. Participated by video personalities such as Baltasar Garzón and Gaspar Llamazares. More recently, the presentation of a federalist collective, with the support of hundreds of people, took place in the Basque Country. The Valencian Country and the Balearic Islands have autonomous federalist governments. Federalistes d'Esquerres has organized events in Madrid in recent years, in which many people have participated, starting with the mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena; and has become the main interlocutor of the Federalist European Union. Federalism is demonstrated by federation.

The great problems of our time will only be solved with a federalism that does not end in the Pyrenees. They will not find a solution in a world where political rhetoric is dominated by nationalist fanatics. A federal Europe, with a hard core within the euro and the Schengen area, where the Spains are, is what is best for Catalonia. It is time for all the Europeanist forces to join forces and corner the fanaticisms and maximalisms. The authentic Third Republic is the European Federal Republic. That's why it's worth crying.


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