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Thursday, January 03, 2019

Conflict - The bankruptcy of political coexistence can only enter into solution when they renounce the unilateral path

First was the war and then the conflict came: the ETA murders were considered in the 1970s as a manifestation of a state of war that some day, when both fighters recognized the reason of the other, would end without winners or losers. Then, with the passing of time rather than by the will of the executors, those killed by ETA became the "victims of the conflict". It was then intended to legitimize, rather than use, the fatality of weapons; each shot in the neck, the result of an ancestral conflict, whose solution required dialogue and negotiation between the parties.

Very significant of this change was the manifesto For a negotiated exit from the Basque conflict, in which 145 intellectuals, artists, magistrates, journalists asked the Government to bet in March 1998 through dialogue and negotiation without conditions, at the same time They asked ETA for the "cessation of armed activity to facilitate this process".

In the note just published by the Generalitat of Catalonia, undated and under the title of Comunicat conjunt dels Govern [sic] català i espanyol to give an account of the meeting between Presidents Sánchez and Torra, "the following is stated: They coincide in the existence of a conflict over the future of Catalonia ". Leaving aside the deplorable syntax of the joint statement, the most original of the document is the reappearance of "conflict" in the official language. Original because the now called conflict was identified, while you were procés, as train clashes, insurrection, rebellion and even revolution, very habitual concepts between nationalist intellectuals and politicians; or as a bluff, pantomime, set of errors, criticizable actions, symbolic statements, as is usual among those who seek to trivialize the whole process by turning it into a family party.

As it happened in the Basque case, when identifying now what happened as "conflict over the future of Catalonia", what the communique raises is the need for a negotiation that requires the opening of spaces for dialogue. Naturally, dialogue and negotiation only makes sense when the two parties to the conflict recognize the responsibility of each party in their origin and development and see a solution in the future above or beyond the common law that obliges all. And open spaces for dialogue can only mean that in the legal system of the State do not exist or are sealed. Therefore, new spaces must be created to start negotiations that open the way to a solution: this seems to be the substance of the "summit" between the presidents of the Spanish and Catalan governments when they define the facts as a conflict over the future of Catalonia.

Conflict about the future? There was also a conflict in Euskadi that disappeared the day after the resignation of the armed forces by ETA. It is not the same, of course, but it is certain that the breakdown of political coexistence within Catalan society, with the rupture of institutional links between the Government of Catalonia and the set of State institutions, can only enter into ways of solution when the secessionists renounce the unilateral road and return to the path they should never have left, that of achieving their independence when they finally manage to convert all of Catalonia into a single sun within the framework of a single nation.



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