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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Catalanism as a meeting point

The association Portes obertes del catalanismo presents "Catalanisme, 80 mirades (i +)", a set of reflections on this movement

"Portes Obertes del Catalanisme" is a platform committed to  a plural, open and integrating Catalanism, essential to address the deep institutional and political crisis of Catalonia and the Spanish conjuncture.

The association "Portes obertes del catalanisme" presented on Wednesday Catalanisme. 80 mirades (i +) a compendium of personal reflections of more than 80 authors among politicians, academics and writers around this movement. In the work, personalities such as José Montilla, Miquel Roca, Josep Antoni Duran and Lleida, Joan Coscubiela, Joan Herrera and Santi Vila give their opinion on the validity of Catalanism.

Jordi Menéndez, editor of the book and member of "Portes obertes", has begun the presentation of the work explaining the nature of it: "It is not a book, it is a cry, in a certain way a certificate of existence of this transversal movement" .

The articles that make up the work are the fruit of a question: How are we to understand Catalanism today so that it becomes an element of change in our society? Menéndez explained that the reader will not find absolute certainties or a unique position. "It is a collective call to highlight the validity of Catalanism."

The doctor in political science, Astrid Barrio, wanted to make a review of the great contributions of Catalanism: the cooperative conception of politics, concretized in self-government; the defense of a specificity; and the contribution to generate a modernizing process in Spain. At the same time he pointed out that in the current political context, Catalanism needs a coordination effort.

The writer Antoni Puigverd described the movement as a unifying element of different points of view, which coincides in the concern for the country, but which has a critical view that defends the virtues and a critical attitude with its own history. Puigverd has defended the figure of Catalanism as a meeting point: "Catalonia should not be a temple with mystical notions and martyrs, but an agora in which to be able to meet".

At the end of the ceremony, the president of "Portes Obertes del Catalanisme", Mario Romeo, wanted to thank the former President of the Generalitat José Montilla who is "the true representative of the unity of the Catalan people, since he has made efforts to crystallize it" .



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