21 * X Black flag throughout Catalonia
Next December 21 we will begin a country strike with the determination to do what the politicians do not do, when the people gives the government power to implement the binding vote of 1-O is to apply the result voted and approved by the same Parliament of Catalonia, since everything has been a deception to the citizen, the power that the people have given to the Government returns to the people, with this premise we will make the Republic effective. Important points to keep in mind:
1. Let's start the actions on day 21 indefinitely until the Republic becomes effective, therefore, it may be in 1 day, in 3 or 1 month, for which the people who participate with us must be clear, we know when we started , but we do not know when we will finish.
2. We are about 3,000 people plus people who want to join, we will be divided into 3 parts, 1 part will be in the Plaza de San Jaime, 2 part will be in the Parliament and 3 in the Center of Barcelona, we will first ask you to lift the suspension of the Republic and make it effective, we will do so peacefully, if they ignore us we will assault the Parliament and the Palace of the Generalitat and the 3 group will be dedicated to shake the street throughout the center of Barcelona, it will occupy the Parliament and the Generalitat until the Republic becomes effective.
3. That said, we would like this action not only to be peaceful, but as surely the Government will not implement the Republic there can be violence. We must know that as the Palau de la Generalitat and the Parliament will be protected by the Mossos, we will break the police cord if necessary and enter by force, it is not necessary to remember that we will be superior in number and that we will be well equipped for those who Pass over them without too much effort.
4. Point 3 must be kept in mind for the participants, who want yellow ties, yellow dinners or go to say good night to the political prisoners have made a mistake, we go for all to get the Republic, and will be achieved yes or yes, if not directly, indirectly, the occupation of the chosen spaces will bring international pressure and this will force us to set a favorable scenario for us, do not come with the nonsense that we are peaceful people and blah blah blah they do not serve nothing, all the revolutions have been made from the street, all, look at history and you will see clearly, anyway we do not seek to understand people, we do what we think we have to do and know that there will be people in favor and people against as everything in life.
5. For those who want to participate some considerations, come with comfortable clothes and shoes, do not wear any identification, wear a balaclava or some piece on the head so that you can not identify, each group will have a Coordinator who will give all the actions that have to be done in each moment, keep in mind that it will be hard, but also rewarding, always it is when you fight for your country.
6. The start time of the movements will be given one day before the 20th, remember that it may be that the Christmas days we are still struggling, this date has also been chosen for many things, everything we do we take it studying more than 3 months to get to victory, we have all possible scenarios prepared so we know what we do, we do not do things because there are jobs behind.
7. On the other hand we encourage everyone to participate everywhere in the country in all the demonstrations that this day and other days have, that are for any legitimate claim.
8. To also say that we are not looking for notoriety or protagonism, we do not care what people think, we only do what we believe is just for our people and for our country, too many years kneeling before Spain and this is over, we have won the right to live in freedom, we deserve it for a long time and finally reach the hour of truth. Visca Catalunya lliure! (Live Free Catalonia!)
For all Catalans who have died and fought in defense of our land, for a whole people who have been oppressed for too long, to free us from a fascist, corrupt and illegal country. Freedom or death!!
@ 21DRepública
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