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Saturday, December 08, 2018

Torra supports the protests to receive the Council of Ministers in Barcelona

 The CDR call a general strike for December 21 and the ANC calls to demonstrate 

 Barcelona is preparing to live on December 21 a day that is expected to be extremely tense, in which the confrontation between the Government of Pedro Sánchez and the Government of Quim Torra can be moved to the street. That day a Council of Ministers will be held in the Catalan capital, as promised by the socialist leader, and now it seems very difficult for both presidents to hold a joint meeting. Sánchez wants the meeting to be alone with the president and he demands that both governments meet in full. Each rejects the proposal of the other, so the interview seems to be increasingly distant.

Coinciding with the ministerial meeting in Barcelona, ​​the so-called Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) have called a general strike and are organizing protests in various parts of Catalonia with the aim of blocking the French border of La Jonquera, El Prat airport, the port of Barcelona and the main Catalan roads. The action is inspired by the street riots that have been held in France for weeks, under the auspices of yellow vests.

The Government of Quim Torra looks favorably on the protests of the CDRs and the councilor Elsa Artadi assured the past day 5 that "will protect" the right of the protesters who want to protest that day and who are already organizing through various groups of Telegram. "Yes, today, always and within a month we will defend that they manifest", assured the spokesman of the Government to show her sympathy with the protest of the CDR, while she considered that the meeting of the Council of Ministers on that date "has a provocation point. " The date of the meeting is known from November 12 and until this week there has been no pronouncement against the Government.

On December 21 it will be a year of regional elections convened by Mariano Rajoy in application of Article 155, which gave a new majority to independence, but could not fulfill the promises of the campaign: the return of Carles Puigdemont fled to Brussels, and the restitution of the Government.

For that same day, the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) will convene a demonstration, of which neither the place nor the time is yet known. What is known is that it will not be "neither a circle nor a link of light," according to the Twitter message posted on the account of the pro-independence entity, which promises that "dignity returns to the streets." "The oppressor state visits the colony a year after the independence victory in imposed elections. Get ready, "says the text of the message, which asks citizens to be" attentive to networks ".


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