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Saturday, December 15, 2018

"Traitors" "Botiflers"

A few days ago, talking with notable independentits, I asked them this simple question: is obliged the government to modify the Constitution because 7% of its population wants it (even if it is accumulated in 45% of one of its parts)? would this be democratic or dictatorial?

The conversation ended there, warning me that this is a botifler's (traitor's) question, that a good Catalan should not question. Botifler comes from the French beauté fleur, in reference to the fleur-de-lis, and is the derogatory term with which the Austrians, supporters of the House of Austria (called aguillots, by the imperial eagle), called the supporters of the House of Bourbon. One of the blunders of the process is to use the language of 300 years ago, when there were no modern states but only dynastic fights. In any case, the term has been consolidated as a synonym for traitor.

 Indeed, for many independentistas we, who doubt the dogmas of this new religion, with its liturgies, dates of keeping and martyrs, are traitors. We are the ones who question whether Catalonia can be independent without convincing an overwhelming majority of all of Spain (not just Catalonia) to change Article 2 of the Spanish Constitution and we wonder why, if not, Europe would allow an exception at the beginning of territorial integrity, which is the cornerstone of international law (point 6, UN resolution 1514) and is in all the constitutions of the world.

Botifler (traitor) is the one who is no longer comfortable in the festive demonstrations, epic slogans and merchandising, organized from the power as in North Korea, and does not scream at minute 17.14. He is the one who stayed at home against the mean propaganda that ordered him to vote against the law and has doubts about the degree of repression when he found out that no governor could dress the outrage by visiting only one injured at the hospital. It is also the one who does not pollute our beautiful landscape with yellow plastics (the color of bad luck) and thinks that more companies will freeze investments and change their headquarters (to date, 5,350).

On the contrary, our great patriots seem to be those who cynically have used the institutions of all to confront friends and neighbors by constructing tales of frenetic victimhood that exaggerate historical, economic and cultural grievances at all times. They are those who abuse the beautiful Catalan language, which they say they love, as a vehicle for manipulation and confrontation. So are these leaders who, after decades of handling millionaire budgets, have a revolutionary soul and at the same time acknowledge, without asking for forgiveness, that everything was a lie. Those who after so many years of hughe meals in charge of the taxpayer now banalize, so frivolously, apartheid and racial segregation. They are the distorters of the language that say in private the opposite of what they manifest in public and the histrionic gesticulators that do not allow to speak to those who disagree. The columnists, tweeters and tweeters well coordinated from the power to attack against all dissent. Those who, to expand the social base, use schools and children to inoculate vital rejection towards Spain. The creators of frames, tireless designers of new tensions, who now lash out against the separation of powers, to see if they get full indulgence once. They are those who, with the money of all, spread internationally childish blasts about the quality of institutions in Spain, so that the world will realize how bad it is. And also those who threaten to paralyze the Catalan economy, to see if with the bankruptcy of this, Spain's bankruptcy and then that of all Europe and so, in the end, with all bankrupt, someone pay attention to them. Also those who call happily all (left or right) fascists, without looking in the mirror.

And, of course, those who more and more impudently talk about the need for a civil confrontation and how it would accelerate everything if there were our own dead or, even, other's (the true "fear speech").

For a while, reasonable people have preferred to avoid this issue, as if not addressing it would solve it on its own. Some still fear pronouncing themselves. Others proclaim an "obligatory neutrality" of the few entities of civil society still independent (so what use?) Or suggest giving something, whatever, without prior ideological debate, to lower the tension even knowing that it will be useless . Many prefer not to ever demand responsibilities from here to focus comfortably on those that are 600 km away, no doubt guilty of much but not everything. And still others think, in my opinion very wrongly, that all this fuss will not affect their families, jobs and haciendas.

These, and in general all the Catalans that we have been waiting for the return of the famous seny (today just an urban legend), and that - also being millions - we only want our land to progress in peace and harmony, without more cunning, provocations and magic potions, we humbly ask ourselves how the history of Catalonia will portray the true ones in the future botiflers (traitors).


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