The spirit of Franco lives on in the Constitution – and Catalans want nothing to do with it | View
Euronews headline is biased, oftenly when treating the Catalan process, and offensive to all people of Catalonia and Spain. The journal interviews MP Josep Maria Terricabras and gives his views.
We recommend that Euronews interviews the best constitutionalists in Catalonia and the rest of Spain, several contributing to the constitutional debate here, and also all constitutionalist political parties of the Catalonian Parliament, to contrast the news if Euronews does not want to be considereded as a non deontological media.
Find here the views of the confrontation way of thinking of MP the nationalist Josep Maria Terricabras
ERC Euro MP Josep Maria Terricabras regrets that "we do not have an army" to "fight the enemy" Discards that there is another way to achieve independence
An ERC MEP calls the insurrection: "There are things that are fixed with a popular uprising" There will be no independence or republic without popular uprising.
This is what Josep-Maria Terricabras, ERC MEP, says in an interview in the secessionist newspaper on the occasion of the publication of his latest book: "Lo que somos".
To the question of What can we do ?, Terricabras responds: "There are things that are fixed with a popular uprising, which is what was about to happen on October 1, 3 or 10", dates of the illegal referendum, the general strike and the proclamation of that republic that all the leaders of the coup that finished the prison later considered symbolic to try to avoid prison.
The MEP now does not know if that situation conducive to the popular uprising will occur again, but it is the basic action he claims to make effective once and for all independence, together with an internationalization of the procés.
Popular insurrection and internationalization of the confrontation with the State are the two pillars on which, according to Terricabras, the independence aspiration must be sustained.
Incredible how Euronews just publicites the opinions of pro-independentists false views about Spain and Spanish Constitution. Yes , ideed biased article of Euronews...