Sunday, December 02, 2018

Torrent will seek European support for a "multilateral negotiating table"

Barcelona, ​​Dec 1 (EFE) .- The President of the Catalan Parliament, Roger Torrent, will travel next week to Brussels to explain the political situation in Catalonia and "seek European complicity" in favor of a "multilateral negotiating table" that will explore a " democratic solution "that goes through the polls.

Speaking to Efe, Torrent has referred to his official trip from Monday to Wednesday to the Belgian capital, where he will meet with the president of the Parliament of Flanders, Jan Peumans, with a group of MEPs, as well as with the expresident Carles Puigdemont, besides participating in a conference.

Torrent explained that his trip is part of the "Parlament's external action plan", which aims to "raise awareness" of the Catalan chamber on an international level and to make pedagogy on the "need to find a democratic solution to the political conflict" in Catalonia . The president of the Parlament intends to transmit to his interlocutors his bet for a "dialogue not only bilateral between the State and Catalonia", but even "multilateral", that "appeals to the European institutions" to get involved in the search for a solution.

According to Torrent, "the democratic resolution of the conflict that Catalonia is living must be the result of a negotiation between Catalonia and the State, but also with the participation of the European institutions."

"Europe must choose if it wants to be faithful to the founding values ​​of the European Union itself or let it face this situation judicially, and not politically," he said.

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