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Sunday, December 30, 2018

A young woman, leader of a youth association is harassed after being recognized as a constitutionalist activist

They used the micro of a popular party to point it out and, when it was over, they threw a glass at her.

Night of San Esteban. In San Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona). Some 300 people play the fifth - a typical entertainment in some areas of Catalonia, similar to bingo - under an awning authorized by the City Council. At a given moment, the bingo reader -who reads the numbers in a relaxed way and with sayings and phrases, whose responsibility in the game is rotating- comes up and ensures that there are "fascists" among those present and that these are from Societat Civil Catalana .

María Domingo, at that moment, thinks the worst. It is not the first time they harass her for being a constitutionalist and she is used to be the visible face, especially at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​but that night she just wants to hang out with her friends in her city.

Domingo is part of the leadership of an association of young Catalans («S'ha acabat!») who are fed up with nationalism. Before, he was in Catalan Civil Society. The night of Wednesday to Thursday was marked in a public space and, when leaving the awning, they threw at her a plastic cup. It is one more example of the harassment suffered by some activists who show their faces in defense of the Constitution and civil rights in Catalonia. Violence of low intensity.
Speaking to ABC, Domingo regrets the situation: "All the Constitutionalist parties of San Cugat del Vallés have called me to give me their support. PP, Cs and PSC. But nobody from the City Council has contacted me ». The Consistory is responsible for giving up the space and authorizing the awning for the celebration of the game. It is done by public contest. «But only one project is presented. Those of Cal Temerari. There is the CUP behind, "says Domingo, who will present" an instance in the register of the City of San Cugat urging that the permit of game´s orgahizer be withdrawn. " In addition, she is considering putting a complaint to the Mossos d'Esquadra for what happened on the night of 26 to 27, but she is not very optimistic with this specific option.

«It is cured by killing» 

She relates what she experienced in the first person as something almost usual: "Everything went well until after midnight, the "bingo reader "said they had detected that there were fascist people from the Catalan Civil Society. He said it in front of 300 people. He did not say my name explicitly, but we know each other, and everyone looked at me in case I reacted in some way. " However, despite her youth - she is 23 years old - she knows that there are times when it is best to make people see that nothing has been heard. But the reader insisted. "Then he insisted "that Hollywood had taught them that fascism is cured by killing." She continued in front of her play card. «I did not say anything, I stayed in my place and I stayed in the awning for a while longer».

But not everyone has their feet on the ground. "It was on leaving, around one o'clock in the morning, right at the entrance to the awning when someone threw a plastic cup at my head," she recalls with regret. If I do not trust the complaint at the Mossos, it is precisely because I did not see the one who threw the glass. It was from the back. Something usual in all nationalism. Like the one they paint on the wall of her house threatening her with death. María is the daughter of José Domingo, who was an autonomous deputy of Cs a decade ago. At that time, her house awoke in some occasion with threatening graffiti.

Look away 

The organizers of the game (Cal Temerari) also spoke ("they saw it", says Domingo). On Twitter they followed the basic ABC of the perfect style of looking the other way. They admitted a "controversy", but assured that "the opinions expressed by the readers are personal and do not necessarily represent the entity". The organizers "Cal Temerari" defended "freedom of expression throughout the world, even with the micro of the bingo." Maria got rid of bingo.


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