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Monday, December 03, 2018

"The process is dead and buried " Albert Soler, columnist of the Diari de Girona: "I have never seen the FAQS"

The process also has good things like, for example, the columns of Albert Soler in the Diari de Girona. The journalist takes it as the only way worth taking it: to laughter. As a young man (Girona, 1963) he met Carles Puigdemont at the Boomerang nightclub and already sensed that the boy who was going to the disco with a suit would go far. What I did not know is that he would get to Waterloo. Enjoy the interview as I do of your articles.

Last Friday, on his own merits, the XV Barcelona Film and Human Rights Festival gave him an honorary award. Do not think badly, Prisoners and Joan Manuel Serrat were also awarded prizes. -

Do you see TV3? 

Yeah sure. Often, as I know the calico, to laugh at how childish their pathetic efforts are to continue deceiving the staff, or to hide the great deception of the procés, which is like wanting to hide an elephant behind a box of matches. Sometimes, few, because I really care what they emit, especially some reports or a movie. In general, however, is nothing but agitprop, but as I said, if your head is well furnished, that is if you take it as a joke, you hit a good laugh. One sees the programming of TVE, in the two channels, and if one compares them with the degeneration of "the nostra", one asks himself, like the character of Vargas Llosa: 'when did TV3 start to fuck?' -

They have turned TV3 into a nationalist rather than a national television. 

What a nationalist pussy. A provincial television. The day that the lacistas agreed to climb to I do not know how many Catalan mountains, they opened all the news with such a feat, I think there was a camera and a correspondent on each hilltop. That is, either that was the most important thing that happened that day in the world, or the criteria used to highlight the news are at least peculiar. Well, nothing, at home we laugh, to see if that bunch of useless will think that I will have a hard time with their assholes. -

Rahola even has a pulpit almost daily. 

Which brings us back to ask: when did TV3 start to fuck? If the condition to earn good money at the expense of all Catalans is to cook a paella to the president and commit under oath to say bullshit uncontrollably, then my grandmother did wrong to die a few years ago, because besides being illiterate, she cooked like angels Although Rahola would certainly overcome it in the first, I think that in the kitchen my grandmother would prevail, so the thing would be very close to get the television contract. The handicap of my grandmother is that the poor woman was ashamed of her illiteracy, while the Rahola looks proud, and that in today's Catalonia opens many doors.

- I have the personal theory that the Catalan press - with some exception as the Diari de Girona will have to ask for forgiveness after the process. 

Forget about it. Nobody is going to apologize. Some media journalists have already come to recognize that "they were deceived." Fooled? The function of the journalist is to doubt everything, especially the government. If you are a journalist and the Catalan government tells you that we are going to be independent, that this country is going to be the Arcadia and that all the states of the world are going to queue to recognize us, your obligation is to doubt. And ask for details, and if they do not give them - because they do not give them - your obligation is to denounce that it is a farce. And if you do not want to denounce that it is a farce because you are getting profit of it, a post or a television program or, I know, a ham at Christmas, then at least keep quiet and do not follow the game. Nobody will ask for forgiveness. What will be there is more journalists and more media that will say they have been "cheated". Come on man, do not fuck me! That, between journalists. Apart, there are infectious publications, and I will give names, such as El Nacional, La República or El Directe, which do not even deserve to be classified as journalism, there is simply no way to pick them up. Propaganda pure, but so crude that it does not help.

How will it end? 

How will it end? It is finished. They know each other, the only ones who ignore it are the ignorant (volunteers or morons by birth) who continue to cheer them and even vote for them. Today there is only one regional Napoleon in Waterloo speaking alone, some prisoners awaiting trial and a people who all they want is a pardon or a light condemnation for them. Nothing else. The process is dead and buried, in fact was born dead, the son of ten thousand milks. All that remains of it is people who hang little ties and meet once a week to shout in the square of his town. And listen, for me they can continue doing it until the end of time, if that is how they feel fulfilled. I will not be the one to stop going out and have a beer thinking about them. I do not care. As Rick tells Ugarte in Casablanca when he asks if he despises him: "if I ever thought about them, I would probably despise them". /

An interview by Xavier Rius.



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