Sunday, December 09, 2018

The parallelism between Catalonia and the Balkans is a trap

Vessela Tcherneva, director of the European Council of Foreign Relations of Bulgaria, regrets that the procés has "freed the genius of the lamp"

When Vessela Tcherneva is asked if she understands that the Catalan leaders compare the procés with the independence of Slovenia in 1991, or of Kosovo in 2008, her answer is clear: "For the independentist people, resorting to this type of parallelism can be interesting from a political point of view But this is a cheat. "

Visiting Madrid, where she chaired a round table on the priorities of the future EU presidency of Bulgaria on October 26, the director of the Bulgarian headquarters of the pan-European study center European Council for Foreign Relations (ECFR) does not hide his concern for the Catalan crisis. She believes that the consequences of the Catalan independence challenge transcend the borders of the Spanish State and threaten all of Europe.

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