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Sunday, December 09, 2018

A flurry of criticism against Torra for betting on the Slovenian way that ended in an armed conflict

Several political leaders censure the president for admitting violence in the process of secession. 

The defense of the Slovenian way to achieve the independence of Catalonia that made last Saturday in Brussels the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, received on Sunday a shower of criticism from various leaders for hinting that he admitted violence to achieve secession . "The Catalans have lost their fear. They do not scare us There is no turning back on the road to freedom. The Slovenians decided to go ahead with all the consequences. Let's do like them and be willing to do everything to live free, "said Torra. Several political leaders warned the president that any parallelism between Slovenia and Catalonia was reckless and recalled the ten-day war and the 62 deaths prior to that secessionist process.


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