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Friday, December 28, 2018

Loss of "neutrality in the institutions": Ciudadanos asks for explanations for the "independentist coven" at the Palau de la Música

Carrizosa has echoed the protest proclamations launched yesterday during the Sant Esteve Concert. 

The spokesman for Ciudadanos in the Parliament of Catalonia, Carlos Carrizosa, asked for explanations this Thursday to the City Council of Barcelona, ​​the Generalitat and the Ministry of Culture for the "independentist coven" yesterday at the Palau de la Música.
Speaking to Efe, Carrizosa has echoed the protest proclamations launched yesterday during the Sant Esteve Concert at the Palau de la Música, where part of the members of the choir that sang "El Cant de la Senyera" exhibited Estelades flags , banners with the slogan "Freedom political prisoners" and photographs of pro-independence leaders processed by the 1-O.

Carrizosa recalled that "the Palau de la Música is a consortium in which the City Council of Barcelona, ​​the Generalitat and the Ministry of Culture participate" and, specifically, this concert "was sponsored by the City Council, so that the people of Barcelona could go to see it for free ", but they found" a fraud ".

Paid with public money 

"How is it possible that in a concert paid with public money by the City Council a true coven is promoted, with independentist images, from photographs of the prisoners to yellow ties and stelades, when it is a concert of celebration of Sant Esteve open to all citizens ? ", he asked himself.

For the parliamentary spokesman for Ciudadanos, the loss of "neutrality in the institutions" is "a way of expelling part of the population from collective and social celebrations." 

 "We are going to ask for responsibilities from the Generalitat, the City Council of Barcelona and also the Ministry of Culture, because it also participates in the Palau de la Música," he stressed.


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