Òmnium Cultural is one of the independence entities most spoiled by the Catalan administrations. This is confirmed by its income accounts, to which Global Chronicle has had access. Between 2006 and 2016, this institution that, together with the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) has organized citizen mobilizations tailored to the procés and has paid the bond of former President Carles Puigdemont, received a total of 10.2 million euros in grants, donations and legacies, mostly from public entities. That is, of town halls, county councils, county councils and Generalitat (the regional government of Catalonia).
In other words, this association was born in 1961 with the aim of defending the Catalan language and culture - its five founders have illustrious surnames: Lluís Carulla, Joan Baptista Cendrós, Félix Millet and Maristany, Joan Vallvé i Creus and Pau Riera- could survive during these years thanks to public aid, decisive when making calls for mobilization. Its current president, Jordi Cuixart, is in pretrial detention, prosecuted for sedition. The image of Cuixart uploaded to a police car with the former president of the ANC Jordi Sànchez during the harassment of the judicial committee that on September 20, 2017 made an entry and registration in the Ministry of Economy, was one of the evidence of against both independence leaders.
Buenos días,
ReplyDeleteHay un vídeo de Jordi Cuxart, del día del 'secuestro' de la comitiva judicial en el que se le ve y oye nitidamente decir:"saldrán cuando nosotros queramos". ¿lo conocéis?
A mi me parece una prueba determinante para su juicio. Si estuvierais de acuerdo conmigo, ¿Habría alguna forma de cerciorarse de que está en manos de la fiscalia?
Os dejo un link de twitter donde podéis verlo.