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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Marta Pascal claims Convergencia. The former general coordinator of the PDECAT demands "an inclusive sovereignty of little stridency"

The former general coordinator and current PDECat senator, Marta Pascal, has claimed Convergència in an article to Ara as an example to continue full sovereignty."Politics can be pursued pursuing ideals, with the intellectual and political rigor expected of those who want to lead major projects, putting the country's ambitions at the head, assuming errors, moving away ideological apriorisms and respect for everyone, adds . Marta Pascal makes this position "thinking of all those who publicly defended these ideas-those of CDC-". "Above all, I write it for the hundreds of thousands of anonymous people who watched it, who observe the term 'converging' in a sense of belonging, in a way of doing and being, but above all to understand politics and the country, "she says. "Although some may seem impossible, all this is defensible from an inclusive sovereignty, in sum and not of rest, to be more and no less, to convince and not impose, of little stridency, very resolute and of tireless struggle for political prisoners and exiles to be able to return home, "he concludes.

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