Sunday, March 03, 2019

Rafa Nadal speaks clearly: "I do not understand a Spain without Catalonia"


Rafa Nadal declares that for Catalonia it is important and positive to stay within Spain. The Balearic tennis player, who is in Mexico, returns to appeal to the good co-existence.

Rafa Nadal has expressed again his opinion about  the Catalan conflict. The Balearic tennis player, who is in Mexico, on the occasion of a tournament in Acapulco, makes his opinion clear when he is outside Spain and they ask him about what is happening in our country. He says that Spain cannot be understood  without Catalonia and that they are not two separate things. He talks about more aspects of his life, in an interview with Milenio, but above all he points out that the only solution for the Catalan conflict is to maintain a good coexistence.

"There are many complicated issues such as Catalonia and the country elections, but the situation has to calm down. Perhaps, not so in the short term, but stability is needed. I think the way to solve the case of the Catalans is coexistence. I have spent many important moments there and, I do not understand a Spain without Catalonia, for which it is important and positive to be inside the country. I do not see two separate things. Catalonia is within Spain and, from that point we will see", declares the Balearian tennis player.

Rafa Nadal is asked about his hobbies outside the tennis courts and his plans for the future: "One of the successes of my career is that I have not only played tennis and I have not missed so many aspects of  childhood  due to this sport.  I have been able to practice disciplines such as golf and football - Real Madrid fan -. I appreciate being with family and enjoying life also outside the courts. I like the cinema and I am passionate about the sea, to dive, to fish and to get along with  friends, even though I travel a lot. In fact now, I have a very complicated agenda, but in the future I will be more here in the academy ".


Rafa Nadal habla claro: "No entiendo una España sin Cataluña"

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