Monday, March 11, 2019

Infiltrators of the pro-independence movement - After gaining union weight, secessionism faces the assault on the chambers of commerce

Agustí Sala

Saturday, 09/03/2019 at 09:00 CET

At times I remember the movie 'The Departed', by Martin Scorsese, in which the rookie policeman Billy Costigan, played by Leonardo di Caprio, joins the band of the powerful boss of the Irish mafia Frank Costello (the histrionic Jack Nicholson).

Saving distances, of course, without mafias or camouflaged police, the reference serves to describe how pro-independence civil movements like the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) promote the assault (legal and democratic) to institutions and entities of the 'establishment' in Catalonia. And they also get enthusiastic support from the Government, driven by a certain desire for revenge against the established economic powers, which, in their opinion, left the 'procés' in the lurch. "Now it is our time to change the correlation of forces", it seems they are saying to themselves.

This infiltration attempt, in addition to the political colonization carried out in numerous professional chartered institutions and associations over the last years, may have one of its high points in the upcoming elections to the chambers of commerce, with a candidacy being promoted by the ANC or the Cercle Català de Negocis. Its objective is to obtain the maximum number of members in the plenary sessions of these institutions, especially in Barcelona, in order to gain a presidency that is as favorable as possible to the independence movement and, if possible, to unilateralism. More than business interests, they openly defend political and secessionist objectives.

Another episode of this offensive has been the last union elections in the central and territorial services of the Generalitat. The Intersindical CSC, a residual union so far, which called the last and failed  'country strike on 21 February - encouraged by the Govern - has become the second most voted force, with just over 20% of the total and has gone from 4 to 35 delegates 'Vote for a trade union committed to the country', encouraged the ANC from its twitter account.

In a similar line, the chamber elections, which should be held between May 2 and 8, can give those who openly support the infiltration of secessionism in all institutions and entities of the economic and social world an important boost. 'The chambers of commerce: tools for the country' is its motto. More clearly...

And the electronic vote, introduced by the Govern, allows an unprecedented level of participation, which leaves much more open the result of the elections to the chambers than with the previous system. All this can be the final touch on the cake of pro-sovereignty strategy, like that referendum to which they so much appeal. Mobilization capacity is not missing in the pro-independence movement, as some of its opponents and the 'establishment' know. In the end it is a question of ballot boxes and votes. Is not that democracy?


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