Saturday, February 02, 2019

Trial to Spain


As the trial approaches the defendants for their participation in the failed attempt to unilaterally and illegally separate Catalonia from Spain, the Government has launched an international campaign aimed at exposing to the world what it considers a politically motivated trial without guarantees.

It is still revealing that an autonomous government, which is as much a State as any other part of the State, uses the taxes of its citizens, independent or not, to convince the world that the State of which it is a part is not a State of right, does not respect fundamental rights, houses political prisoners in their prisons and forces the dissenters to go into exile.

But this campaign has to overcome two formidable obstacles. The first, that the story about judicial guarantees is not emotional, but technical, and it is not in their hands but in those of neutral arbitrators. Thus, just at the beginning of the trial of the procés, the European Commission, was asked on December 5 by a series of pro-independence MEPs about what measures it would take to ensure that the accused had a fair trial, has just responded, through its first vice-president, Frans Timmermans, that "the European Commission has no record of any bankruptcy of the principle of separation of powers or of any fact that affects the independence of judicial power in Spain" and that it has "no reason to doubt that the Right to a fair trial in accordance with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU will be respected in Spain ". End of the campaign. Even more: after such pronouncement, that the Generalitat continues with this campaign represents an undoubted embezzlement of public funds.

The second obstacle of the campaign abroad is its propagandists. Because, as demonstrated this Thursday at the London School of Economics, the vibrant interventions of Clara Ponsatí's lawyer, Aamer Anwar, defending that Spain is a terrible dictatorship that Franco would be proud of, completely undermine a judicial argument that would require data, no political rallies.

In the end, with the international campaign of the Catalan Government on the judgment of the procés, it passes as with the yellow ties. In the countries of the world where there are real political prisoners, no yellow ties can be worn, nor can the authorities carry out international campaigns with public funds denouncing to their State. Thus, the existence of the campaign invalidates its need.


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