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Monday, February 18, 2019

The sister of the councilor of the PP assassinated by ETA asks the leader of the party not to frivolize when comparing the negotiation with the band and the dialogue with the independentists

For a few days, the leader of the PP, Pablo Casado, establishes analogies between ETA and the independence movement. This Thursday, he described the attitude of the government with the separatists as "the syndrome of the T-4", in reference to the attack in which two people died and broke the truce in 2006. These statements have outraged the Colectivo de Víctimas de Terrorismo (Covite). Its president, Consuelo Ordóñez, sister of Gregorio, the councilor of the PP assassinated by ETA in 1995, asks Casado to stop "trivializing" by mixing "things that have nothing to do".

"The agenda we are seeing in Catalonia is the ETA agenda," said Pablo Casado on February 7. "The Finance Minister acknowledged that there was a dialogue with ETA, that syndrome of the T-4 that reminds me too much of what we have lived these weeks. When the attack was, the Government quickly left to say that the negotiation was broken and after two days, Eguiguren continued negotiating. Now the ministers have returned to say that they slam the door to the pro-independence movement, but it is not credible anymore, "he insisted on Thursday at a PP event in Lugo.

Consuelo Ordóñez, sister of Gregorio, councilor of the PP of San Sebastián assassinated by ETA in 1995, and president of the Collective of Victims of Terrorism (Covite), shows her rejection and indignation for those statements. "They have many topics to do politics. Stop using the victims of terrorism to campaign. Do not use us or manipulate us, "she declares in conversation with EL PAÍS. "Zapatero did not betray us or cheat us. He asked for the endorsement of the Congress to negotiate with ETA and they gave it to him. All life has been negotiated with ETA. Everybody should be very quiet about that, "she adds.

Ordóñez rejects frontally those comparisons between the negotiation with ETA and the negotiation with the independentists. "It hurts. It has nothing to do with the other. I do not like the situation in Catalonia, I think it's very serious, but it's not terrorism. What harms victims the most is this type of trivialization. It's a way to frivolize, "she laments.

Casado also assured this Thursday in Lugo that the victims of terrorism felt "outraged" by the Government. Ordóñez emphatically refuses. "Covite does not feel outraged by the government. How can you be so bold and appropriate the feeling of all the victims? Quite the opposite. The promise of transparency that he made to us is being fulfilled as no Government had done before and without any obligation to do so, "she says, in relation to talks with the Ministry of the Interior, which warns them when an ETA prisoner is going to be transferred or released after serving his sentence.

Ordóñez remembers that the approach of prisoners is fulfilling the law. "Prisoners who have arrived in Basque prisons have done so for the third degree, the conditional freedom and article 100.2 [of the prison regime, which allows to enjoy a semi-liberty regime] and this is decided by the prison supervision judges when they meet a series of requirements. Married is confusing all this time with this subject, but we have studied the laws. We have learned it very well. "

The president of the group of victims of terrorism assures that she already transmitted this to Casado "when he was in his campaign to preside over the PP". Today he regrets that it has not worked. "It says very little of them to use us. We are outraged and we are very upset by this kind of statement. "



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