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Saturday, February 09, 2019

Pedro Sánchez gives an ultimatum to secessionism and aims for elections

The independentists claim to negotiate more but they maintain the amendments to the Budgets.

The Council of Ministers lived on Friday a very heavy environment, as of the end of the term. After a very hard week with internal criticism and opposition, Pedro Sánchez decided to recover the initiative with an unexpected movement: he stood before the independentists and gave up negotiations, according to the vice president, Carmen Calvo, because they insist on self-determination, something unfeasible for the Executive. Calvo sent an ultimatum to the PDeCAT and ERC, which have to decide before Wednesday if they knock down the Accounts, and opened the door to an electoral advance: "Without Budgets, the time of the legislature is shortened". On the part of the Generalitat, the presidential adviser, Elsa Artadi, and the vice-president, Pere Aragonés, answered accusing the Government of "buying the arguments" of PP, Cs and Vox.

"It had to be now. I understand that it is a no. Luck". With this sentence of Carmen Calvo in a whatsapp to Artadi at 13.50, a few minutes before appearing at a press conference in La Moncloa, the vice president broke the negotiations with the separatists, according to the version of the latter. Gone were several attempts to reach an agreement to withdraw the amendments to the totality of the Budgets, something that can still be done before Wednesday, when they are finally voted, although now it seems very difficult.

This Friday was not an ordinary press conference at La Moncloa. During the week it was scheduled to appear as usual the spokesperson, Isabel Celáa, with the Minister of Economy, Nadia Calviño, and Science, Pedro Duque. The star theme was the Agenda of Change, the great economic project of the Executive for several years, with plans for all sectors and initiatives that would indicate that Sanchez plans to be many years in La Moncloa.

But in the end he sat in an extraordinary way Calvo, and not the spokesperson. And what he had to say put aside any other matter. While all the ministers and collaborators present in the room looked with very serious faces, which she later attributed with irony to the fact that it was very late and they had not eaten, Calvo gave an account of the ultimatum that the Government had released a few minutes earlier to the independence fighters and that they rejected outright. The latter appeared shortly after in Barcelona to clarify that they do not plan to leave the table, that they are willing to continue negotiating, but the situation seems definitively broken if a last minute change, perhaps forced by the vertigo to an electoral advance, does not prevent that the Budgets of Sanchez be returned to the first without being processed.

The manifestation summoned for Sunday by PP and Citizens, to which Vox and several groups of extreme right are added, is maintained despite the fact that the situation has changed markedly. Some moderate independents still trust that the image of what can come in Catalonia if the right returns to power can serve to rethink the decision to reject the Budgets, but every minute seems more difficult.

In a wave of internal criticism in the PSOE for the decision of the Government to accept that there was a rapporteur at that table, and with the opposition heating up the march, Sánchez and his team have decided to counterattack with an ultimatum that throws all the pressure on the independentistas.

There will be no more proposals, explained Calvo. "You are witnesses that we have tried. But it does not make sense that society does not have the clear keys of what this Government intends. For years, dialogue was requested. We've done it. If this is not enough, you have to stop. This document is the final destination. The independentists will have to explain why they reject a reasonable offer of dialogue, "he said.

The independentists appeared immediately to insist that they are not the ones who break the dialogue. The vice-president Pere Aragonès (ERC) and the spokesperson of the Government, Elsa Artadi (Junts per Catalunya). they assured that Sanchez has taken for good "the arguments against the dialogue" of PP, Ciudadanos and Vox.

The Government has completely changed its strategy. From the opacity until now on the negotiations led by Calvo has happened to deliver to all the journalists as soon as the press conference begins the last proposal of the Executive, three folios in which one speaks of very open form of a "table of parties in the one that each one of the participants will present his proposals of resolution and political project with total freedom ". This was so open that it included everything, but the indedepentists wanted that the self-determination would appear of express way like objective of that dialogue between the parties, something unacceptable for the Executive.

The text details the figure of the rapporteur without naming him: "At the head of that table of parties will be proposed by common agreement to a person who will facilitate the coordination of the work." The Government is trying to recover the initiative and control of the situation. Now the independentists decide if they want to assume the cost of not supporting the Budgets and to lead the Executive to a call for general elections. The Government seems willing to advance them. The scenarios are still two: super-sunday in May playing all the national, autonomous and local power to a letter or already in the fall, with the president risking alone. Wednesday is the key day. From there, everything will be precipitated.



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