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Friday, February 01, 2019

Junqueras renews his challenge before the trial: "I would do it again"

 Iván Vila
 Esquerra pays homage to its leader with a massive act in which Junqueras calls to take advantage of the cause to discredit Spain in front of Europe

Oriol Junqueras on Tuesday gave the kick-off to the campaign of discredit against Spanish institutions in which ERC wants to convert the trial of 1-O with a profuse conference that served as a step to Esquerra to take a bath of self-esteem and to claim the prominence of its leader, who is the defendant who faces more serious penalties in the cause, as compared with the omnipresence in the media of the leader of Junts per Catalunya (JpC), Carles Puigdemont.

Junqueras, for sure, spoke through interposed person. Or rather through several persons. But only after a video introduction of the general secretary of Esquerra, Marta Rovira and a live presentation of the president of the Parliament, Roger Torrent, and the vice president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès.

"Today I speak to you from a cell in the prison of Lledoners, through a plurality of dear voices", it was heard, while a holographic projection of the imprisoned leader provoked the delirium of the audience. The voice, the first one, was that of Roger Junqueras, brother of the president of Esquerra, who was the one who began reading the text.

After him, the journalist Empar Moliner would continue reading; the member of Parliament Najat Driouech; the former member of Parliament of the PSC Joan Ignasi Elena, now recycled as Esquerra's legal spokesman during the trial; the candidate of ERC to the mayoralty of Barcelona, ​​Ernest Maragall, or Diana Riba, candidate to the next European Parliament and Raül Romeva's partner.

What it was about was just dedicating a tribute of ERC to its leader, who has been 463 days in preventive prison, and to blow a bombshell at the gates of the trial, which will start next week. And it was given indeed, in front of more than 2,000 people gathered in the Sant Jordi Club of Barcelona.

A mirror to discredit the State

"We do not face a simple judicial court", Junqueras considers, but "the regime of 78", and, he argues, we must take advantage of it. Not in vain, the former Catalan vice-president, in a sacrificial way, assumes the prison "as one more step to achieve freedom". Junqueras says he does not regret anything that has led him to face accusations for which he is being asked for 25 years in prison.

"We want to put a mirror in front of the State and that Europe realizes what Spain is really like, because by doing so we can put ourselves on the side of the European democrats."

In the end, Junqueras claimed for Catalonia "the role of first trench" against the advance of populism and the extreme right, for which, according to his approach, it is the Spanish government the one making things easy.

Proud of the referendum, no mention of the 27-O

"I have not done anything that I have to regret, but I am very proud, I would do it again," says Junqueras, vindicating October 1 as the moment that marks "a before and an after" in the contemporary history of Catalonia.

On the other hand, about the 27-O, the day of the unilateral declaration of independence by the Parliament, there is no sign in the conference. Nor any appeal to unilateralism; but, in the same line that Esquerra defends since many months ago, there is an appeal to broaden their base.

Thus, Junqueras insists on defending that, beyond the battle for independence, it is necessary to have an impact on social policies, because, in order to build "a feasible path towards freedom", it is not possible to "ignore global challenges", so "the main decisions have to go in the line of combating growing inequalities, defending diversity and protecting the environment."

From that nod to realism could be inferred a reproach to his partners in government of JpC, so installed in the republican rhetoric and gesticulation; but the truth is that the conference of Junqueras is very considered, just to avoid stepping on any puddle. In fact, there was no more reference to Puigdemont than some initial words "to embrace the companions of exile" to whom he only mentioned by their first names.

The jibes to the former president are left by Junqueras for the interviews, like that of this Monday in Le Figaro in which he said that he chose to stay in Catalonia and not flee to avoid the action of justice, as Puigdemont did, "in the sense of responsibility" towards Catalan citizenship, as Socrates, Seneca and Cicero also did in their day.

Against the pressing of JpC in Barcelona

Neither Junqueras got caught up in the issue of the municipal elections in May 26, those elections for which JpC has reactivated its pressing on ERC to drag it to a unitary list in Barcelona; ​​but it made quite clear that Esquerra still does not want to know anything about it.

For Junqueras, the municipal elections "have to be useful in the setting up of Republican majorities, Republican town councils", says Junqueras. "They are a test of fire throughout Catalonia, and especially in Barcelona," which "has to return to be a world reference in the struggle for freedom" and "spearhead of the anti-fascist struggle in Europe", something that can only be "if it is the capital of republican Catalonia".

But all that does not mean in any way that the ERC leader is about the task of exploring any pro-independence pre-election confluence. For Junqueras, "only a central force, progressive, that unequivocally represents the republican movement and the defense of the rights and liberties of citizenship" can turn Barcelona into "engine of the struggle for the Catalan republic". And that, he concludes, "is what the candidacy led by Ernest Maragall also represents today".


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