Saturday, January 05, 2019

The municipal elections distance the ANC from the independentist parties

The PDeCAT criticizes that the entity promotes primaries for unique candidacies.

The battle for municipal elections in Catalonia is cracking the relationship of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) with the independence parties. To the historical disagreements with Republican Esquerra a new clash with the PDeCAT is added, as a result of the decision of the ANC to support the idea of ​​primaries in several municipalities to have single independentist lists. The neoconvergents criticize that this proposal fragments even more the secessionist vote, a situation especially complicated for the old Convergence. Only in Barcelona there are five independentist candidates announced.

The organization responsible for the massive Diadas and demonstrations in support of politicians in preventive detention for leading the proces makes its own reading of the mandate of the 1-O referendum and considers that the best way to face the upcoming municipal elections in Catalonia is that the independence be present with unique lists to ensure victory. Hence, it has been openly linked to the process of primaries promoted in Barcelona by the philosopher and now candidate Jordi Graupera.

The ANC wants this experience to be replicated in other territories through Primàries Catalunya. Until January 18, according to the calendar of the Assemblea, there is time for potential candidates, committed to leading "Republican town halls", to register. The idea is that on February 2 there will be a great day of primaries similar to those that anointed Graupera (with just over 9,700 votes) as mayor for Barcelona.

The Assemblea supports primary schools in 50 municipalities

Tortosa, Arenys de Munt, Blanes, Mataró, Lleida ... According to the data from the ANC, some 50 towns will hold primaries to elect candidates for the municipal elections this year. From the entity remember that the implementation of this election mechanism, according to the text of the initial agreement, does not imply direct support for the candidacy that comes out of that process but that will determine, finally, the degree of commitment to the republic Catalan that each program includes.

The ANC insists that the initiative does not divide but rather helps the "unity of action". Only one party, Demòcrates, the separatist split of the extinct Unió, has been linked up to now with the idea of ​​the primaries.

After the bad experience of Junts pel Sí, Esquerra Republicana has been sworn in to avoid joint lists within the independence movement, or at least with the PDeCAT or the environment of former President Carles Puigdemont. The Republicans defend that it gives more votes to have separate lists and that is why they opt for a path alone and even more so when the polls seem to finally give them victory. ERC has never seen in the appeals to a single list the desire of the ANC, but the pressure of puigdemontism.

Neoconvergents, however, see the movements of the ANC even more cautiously. Its space has been gasified thanks to the irruption, still unconsolidated, of La Crida Nacional, the training promoted by Jordi Sànchez and Carles Puigdemont himself or Junts per la República, made up of the deputies of Junts per Catalunya outside the sphere of the PDeCAT.

The party chaired by David Bonvehí has ​​already chosen to present itself under the formula "Junts per ..." and the irruption of a more independentist candidacy generates even more noise for the formation that tries to preserve its hegemony in the municipal world.

"These primary processes are difficult to understand. If the ANC, which until now had played a very transversal role, decides to specifically support a project in each of the cities, it will have become a political actor that will compete with other political actors. It is curious that everyone talks about the unity of the independence movement and the only thing they do is to continue fragmenting it, "assured PDeCAT deputy and secretary of the organization Ferran Bel in an interview with Efe.

The ANC has not wanted to argue with the neoconvergent leader, but sources of the secessionist entity recalled that in some populations the PDeCAT is in negotiations to participate in the primaries. "The primaries are only an instrument that we put in the hands of the citizens.

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