Monday, January 07, 2019

How do destroy the "Generalitat" (Catalan Government) The real 155 carries the name of Quim Torra (Catalan President)

by Xavier Vidal-Folch

There are different methods for destroying the "Generalitat".  And in all cases the successive secessionist governments are resolutely committed to them.
The most brilliant is that of undertaking failed operations.    As was the case, through legal incompetence, turning the main privatization of a public company (water company "Aigües Ter-Llobregat", in the Artur Mas era) into a real fiasco, for 995.5 million euros:  it was judicially annulled.   Now the Catalan government is about to kick out of Catalonia the concessionaire (and paying) firm; Acciona. A judicial entanglement that will end up crushing the taxpayers.

The most pathetic is the gift of bread-earning armchairs to incapacitated, useless or corrupt ex-leaders, who self-annulled themselves or were dismissed, via 155.

There is the ambassador of the Generalitat to Brussels. The ex-regional counsellor of Agriculture Meritxell Serret was elevated for her merits as activist in the "Catalan National Assembly".   She escaped after proclaiming the ephemeral Republic. Today no one in the European institutions manage to account for any real management role she may have ever undertaken.     Or her ex colleague in Culture, the dancer Lluis Puig, an expert in the only stale and bucolic products of Catalan culture; the "trabucaires" (old-time country raiders)  and the "balls de bastons" (walking sticks dance).  As regional counselor he did not open a single folder. And he carries on, as exiled secretary general, in his firm line.

Or the recently recovered (for a modest 86,000 euros) for a high-ranking position in the  "Presidencia", Monica Osacar (daughter of Daniel Osacar).

Osacar, who started with Jordi Pujol (Daniel Osacar was the treasurer of Convergencia - Pujol´s and Mas´s party - , in turn convicted for the sacking of the Palau de la Musica), managed as head of institutional advertising, to reinstate opacity and the handling of consciences, through covert subsidies.

The destructive method of the Generalitat with a more permanent impact is the chemical castration of its institutions, due to internal strife within the power bloc. Not only the (Catalan) Parliament (paralyzed) and the Govern (absent). More than 30 regulatory agencies have leaders with expired mandates (although not salaries, always provided).  That is; all ofl the directors of the public TV-3 corporation; all commissioners of "popular consultations"; all members of the audiovisual council; all of the data protection advisory board.

And a majority of members of the " Consell de Garanties Estatutàries" (the Legal Council) (4 of 5); of the "Comptes Superintendent" who supervises the public accounts (4 of 7); of the National Council of Culture and Arts (5 of 7); and the entity that guarantees access to public information (3 of 5) …

The real 155 bears the name of Quim Torra.

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