Friday, January 11, 2019

Grotesque playing duo - Waterloo, Geneva .... What is left of the Catalan institutions?

Teresa Freixes on Waterlo and Geneva

Waterloo, Geneva .... What is left of the Catalan institutions? Are we talking that "a ghost  traveling the world" has been installed, apparently stably, in the politics of secessionism.
When Karl Loewenstein makes the classification of political systems, taking into account the supreme rule that governs them, that is, their Constitution, includes a category that is "Semantic Constitutions", that is, those that formally regulate institutions, rights and competences but, in practice, they do not apply because reality goes in other directions. This can also be applied to any other type of regulation that is considered "dispensable" because it has been decided that the rule will not be applied because the politicians in charge of it do not want to take it into account.

It is clear that in Catalonia, the Statute is already clearly inserted within the category of semantic norms. It does not matter if there is the Executive Council, the Parliament, the Guarantees Council ... It is exactly the same. It will be in Waterloo and in Geneva where the decisions are made, dispensing with rules, procedures and parliamentary debates. In Catalonia, of course, democracy is already totally dispensable.

But, be careful, ladies and gentlemen of the Government of Spain, it would not be the case that the Spanish Constitution also, by dint of leaving her unnapplied in Catalonia, also enters into the semantic categories.

LA VANGUARDIA 11/01/2019

 The independence movement begins its debates in Waterloo and Geneva on how to face trial, budgets and electoral month of May.

Torra meets with Puigdemont in Belgium while ERC brings together its executive in Switzerland with the presence of Secretary General Marta Rovira


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