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Wednesday, January 02, 2019

From 3% fraud to 80% scam by Joaquín Luna

Two percentages summarize the Catalonia of the 21st century and the drift of a society without intellectual and uncritical muscle: from "you have a problem and it is called 3%" (Maragall a Mas, 2005) to the sound of 80% of Catalans " they are and feel republican "or" they want to exercise our right to self-determination ", mentioned by President Torra in his end of the year speech.

 Is it essential that the defense of a legitimate cause - the independence movement - go through such manipulation? Are we so stupid?

The systematic appeal to an alleged 80% of Catalans who want what at every moment suits the independence movement is an example, of manual, of the techniques of the propaganda of the thirties: it repeats a great lie many times and it will end up being a great truth .

Surveys of unknown father and mother can never supplant the only unequivocal (democratic voting). It takes impudence to uphold the 80% mantra when, since 2012, Catalan voters have voted (hold): three elections to the Parliament (2012, 2015 and 2017), two Spanish general elections (2015 and 2016) and some municipal elections in 2015 (the independence movement loses Barcelona). Not one of them allows to project 80% of anything ...

As if that were not enough, the independence movement has wanted to "tell us" twice with its rules of play, the goals to suit you and the referee of the Catalan school. The 9-N of 2014, with open voting centers including weeks, 2.3 million ballots. And the tragic 1-Or less, 2.2 million, despite the unwanted stimulus that had the police charges. 42% of the census.

If indeed 80% of Catalans would have voted a republic, a referendum on self-determination or independentist parties, Europe would pay much attention to the Generalitat. But they are fixed, logically, on the votes, hence the silence, if not the annoyance (the last example was the communiqué of the Government of Slovenia after the visit - of which they did not seem satisfied - of President Torra).

There are polls, big polls and lies. A poll or a poll is what it is and, lately, they fail a lot (nor did they predict Trump's nomination or his election, neither the Brexit nor the irruption of Vox in Andalusia). They are the ideal technique for those who intend to manipulate. It suffices to refine the terms chosen for the question, the language used or the type and size of the sample. And that 80% seems to go out - to know, they never quote the source - of minor consultations and between cronies.

The use and abuse of the magical 80% - of whatever it is - has an end and it surprises that a part of society swallows it and repeats it without more: hiding that the independence movement has never reached 50%. Fewer erotic percentages and more political realism.


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